But when I look at the battery functions, they are weird.. Here's what I mean.
Code: Select all
Bool System.powerIsPowerOnline()
Bool System.powerIsBatteryExist()
Bool System.powerIsBatteryCharging()
Number System.powerGetBatteryChargingStatus()
Bool System.powerIsLowBattery()
Number System.powerGetBatteryLifePercent()
Number System.powerGetBatteryLifeTime()
Number System.powerGetBatteryTemp()
Number System.powerGetBatteryVolt()
System.powerGetBatteryLifePercent(), and
Are ALL giving me the percentage of the battery. Why is this?
And what is the difference between
System.powerIsPowerOnline() and System.powerIsBatteryCharging()
I love the player, but the lack of documentation for some things is very disappointing.
Maybe start up a Wiki just for PSP Lua?