ps2 linux on usb memory
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- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
Ok, I see what I did. I imaged the files to the drive, but then I copied the old ps2linux directory over the one that was from the image you gave me. I started over to use the pslinux directory from the image, but that one won't even boot from kernel loader. First, it wanted to load all the files from the memory card, which is not going to happen because my memory card doesnt have the space. Then it gets stuck on something like, 'loading prc'
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
Well, I have good news and bad news...
The good news is this:

I finally managed to get it to work!
I sort of figured out what the hell was causing me such pain with installing properly, and no, it wasn't the graphics issue.
There is something amuck with the USB driver, or whatever its called. It seems to freeze. When it 'freezes', the light on my thumb drive flashes repeateadly and I notice that the num and caps lock lights no longer turn on and turn off when their button counterparts are pressed.
So...I kept flashing the image to the drive and running the install until it told me that the install was complete, and, well. I changed the config file to the boot one and it worked.
Is this usb stuck-issue known?
The good news is this:

I finally managed to get it to work!
I sort of figured out what the hell was causing me such pain with installing properly, and no, it wasn't the graphics issue.
There is something amuck with the USB driver, or whatever its called. It seems to freeze. When it 'freezes', the light on my thumb drive flashes repeateadly and I notice that the num and caps lock lights no longer turn on and turn off when their button counterparts are pressed.
So...I kept flashing the image to the drive and running the install until it told me that the install was complete, and, well. I changed the config file to the boot one and it worked.
Is this usb stuck-issue known?
Linux kernel compiling issue (-mcpu=r5900): You don't have binutils installed. This package includes the assembler for PS2 Linux cross compiling. The installation is described in the README of kernelloader.
@SlimSilver: I know about the USB problems on slim PSTwo, but I wasn't sure what caused the problems. While running Linux I lost the data on my USB memory stick. After reading the last pages I am sure it is caused by heavy USB bulk transfers. Maybe it is caused by lost interrupts, because the RPC queue overruns. Interrupts are simulated by RPC messages, because of the lack of support on slim PSTwo.
Sony redesigned the PS2 to break Linux support on purpose. Removing the hard disc tray was only the first step. The second step was to change EE/IOP interface.
The parameters for menu entry "Set graphic mode" in kernelloader are (0 - 14):
0: NTSC-NI (640x240(224))
1: NTSC-I (640x480(448))
2: PAL-NI (640x288(256))
3: PAL-I (640x576(512))
4: VESA-1A (640x480 59.940Hz)
5: VESA-1C (640x480 75.000Hz)
6: VESA-2B (800x600 60.317Hz)
7: VESA-2D (800x600 75.000Hz)
8: VESA-3B (1024x768 60.004Hz)
9: VESA-3D (1024x768 75.029Hz)
10: VESA-4A (1280x1024 60.020Hz)
11: VESA-4B (1280x1024 75.025Hz)
12: DTV-480P (720x480)
13: DTV-1080I (1920x1080)
14: DTV-720P (1280x720)
Previous experience showed that this doesn't help (at least on BSD). I introduced this parameter to better support DTV or VESA, but I don't have a cable for DTV or VESA. So this was just a try.
Kernelloader uses the module ps2kbd.irx for USB keyboard support. This module is taken from the ps2sdk. This only supports the boot protocol of USB keyboards. In theory all keyboards support the boot protocol. Maybe someone at this forum will write a better keyboard driver for homebrew software.
Linux kernel compiling issue (-mcpu=r5900): You don't have binutils installed. This package includes the assembler for PS2 Linux cross compiling. The installation is described in the README of kernelloader.
@SlimSilver: I know about the USB problems on slim PSTwo, but I wasn't sure what caused the problems. While running Linux I lost the data on my USB memory stick. After reading the last pages I am sure it is caused by heavy USB bulk transfers. Maybe it is caused by lost interrupts, because the RPC queue overruns. Interrupts are simulated by RPC messages, because of the lack of support on slim PSTwo.
Sony redesigned the PS2 to break Linux support on purpose. Removing the hard disc tray was only the first step. The second step was to change EE/IOP interface.
The parameters for menu entry "Set graphic mode" in kernelloader are (0 - 14):
0: NTSC-NI (640x240(224))
1: NTSC-I (640x480(448))
2: PAL-NI (640x288(256))
3: PAL-I (640x576(512))
4: VESA-1A (640x480 59.940Hz)
5: VESA-1C (640x480 75.000Hz)
6: VESA-2B (800x600 60.317Hz)
7: VESA-2D (800x600 75.000Hz)
8: VESA-3B (1024x768 60.004Hz)
9: VESA-3D (1024x768 75.029Hz)
10: VESA-4A (1280x1024 60.020Hz)
11: VESA-4B (1280x1024 75.025Hz)
12: DTV-480P (720x480)
13: DTV-1080I (1920x1080)
14: DTV-720P (1280x720)
Previous experience showed that this doesn't help (at least on BSD). I introduced this parameter to better support DTV or VESA, but I don't have a cable for DTV or VESA. So this was just a try.
Kernelloader uses the module ps2kbd.irx for USB keyboard support. This module is taken from the ps2sdk. This only supports the boot protocol of USB keyboards. In theory all keyboards support the boot protocol. Maybe someone at this forum will write a better keyboard driver for homebrew software.
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:45 pm
I do have the binutils from ps2toolchain. I thought was enough. The toolchain already have a binutils install (binutils-2.14). I don't know why its not working at all.Mega Man wrote:@bruno.bertechini:
Linux kernel compiling issue (-mcpu=r5900): You don't have binutils installed. This package includes the assembler for PS2 Linux cross compiling. The installation is described in the README of kernelloader.
Will try to compile another one.
Thanks a lot!
The ps2toolchain is not compatible with PS2 Linux. If the compiler doesn't found the PS2 Linux binutils, it will use the native assembler for your development host (x86) and this normally doesn't support MIPS.
I hope you will try to run:
ROM0:ADDDRV and host:eromdrvloader.irx using execiop from ps2link, because I want to know what the problem with eromdrvloader.irx is.
I hope you will try to run:
ROM0:ADDDRV and host:eromdrvloader.irx using execiop from ps2link, because I want to know what the problem with eromdrvloader.irx is.
Last edited by Mega Man on Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
It looks like for your slim it is unlikely that usb boot will work (as noted for others). peterdcrees (from psx-scene) boots over the network on nfs. I have built and will include in my v0.8 installer a Windows-share based boot so that you only need to use the usb keyboard/mouse or even lacking that you can use a virtual keyboard and the ps2 gamepad. It gets throughput on my tests of around 500KB/sec, not great but at least it doesn't hang. This chains the PS2 to a Windows PC though, so not a great solution, just a workaround.
It looks like for your slim it is unlikely that usb boot will work (as noted for others). peterdcrees (from psx-scene) boots over the network on nfs. I have built and will include in my v0.8 installer a Windows-share based boot so that you only need to use the usb keyboard/mouse or even lacking that you can use a virtual keyboard and the ps2 gamepad. It gets throughput on my tests of around 500KB/sec, not great but at least it doesn't hang. This chains the PS2 to a Windows PC though, so not a great solution, just a workaround.
If this is the case, can throttling be tested on the RPC message send, or optimization on the RPC message receive be coded around Sony's routines? By the way, PS2-Linux is rock solid on the three versions of FAT PS2's I use daily with the hdd. I run it for hours with no glitches, mostly media playing so I really appreciate the work you've put into developing kernelloader.After reading the last pages I am sure it is caused by heavy USB bulk transfers. Maybe it is caused by lost interrupts, because the RPC queue overruns. Interrupts are simulated by RPC messages, because of the lack of support on slim PSTwo.
I don't think that I can circumvent Sony's routines. I need to implement a queue for the interrupts. We can check if RPC is the problem, we need just to load "intrelay-direct-rpc.irx" instead of "intrelay-direct.irx" on a fat PS2. If this is running unstable, then RPC is the problem.deba5er wrote:@MegaManIf this is the case, can throttling be tested on the RPC message send, or optimization on the RPC message receive be coded around Sony's routines? By the way, PS2-Linux is rock solid on the three versions of FAT PS2's I use daily with the hdd. I run it for hours with no glitches, mostly media playing so I really appreciate the work you've put into developing kernelloader.After reading the last pages I am sure it is caused by heavy USB bulk transfers. Maybe it is caused by lost interrupts, because the RPC queue overruns. Interrupts are simulated by RPC messages, because of the lack of support on slim PSTwo.
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:45 pm
It is not your distro...the original blackrhino also hangs.deba5er wrote: his is the main problem right now. When the usb is accessed heavily on the slim pstwo v14+ it hangs. I don't know if it is my distro or if it is kernelloader. Either way a solution to this would be very desirable if you could help troubleshoot it.
I still dont understand the whole method of how kernelloader loads module and linux take them from it...Im new to ps2 but i am studying at this moment...
As MegaMa said, looks like the kernelloader extract drivers from the console rom and put it int oa buffer that the kernel can read or something like that.
It seems to me Sony really have done something to avoid linux on slim's.
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
@SlimSilver: Yes, it is possible to load it from a live DVD, if you have a modchip. There is no live DVD available at the moment. If the PS2 is not modded, you will need additional drivers to get DVD Video working. The eromdrvloader.irx prepares the PS2 for use with DVD Video. Kernelloader itself can read DVD Video discs, but Linux can't at the moment.
I think it is easier to port the software which illegaly runs copied PS2 games than writting a new driver for Linux, but I couldn't find the source code for the IRX module which emulates CDVDMAN.IRX. I don't want to run copied PS2 games, but the source code for the module would help. This could also make DVD accesses more stable. To load ROM0:CDVDMAN.IRX I needed to disable concurrent RPC calls to make it more stable. If somebody finds the source code, don't post a hyper link in this forum.
@bruno.bertechini: Maybe the eromdrvloader.irx problem happens only on a PS2 with modchip. Can you completely disable the modchip and still run homebrew software? As far as I know you can run homebrew on a v16 only with a modchip. It is also possible that eromdrvloader.irx is not working, because Sony wanted to block softmods.
@deba5er: I was thinking more about the problem. You have a slim v12, but is USB running stable? Then the problem is probably not caused by RPC.
I want to know if network was working on your v12 before I released kernelloader 2.0? Sorry, I begin to confuse the different answers in this thread and I think there was no answer to this question in this thread before.
I think it is easier to port the software which illegaly runs copied PS2 games than writting a new driver for Linux, but I couldn't find the source code for the IRX module which emulates CDVDMAN.IRX. I don't want to run copied PS2 games, but the source code for the module would help. This could also make DVD accesses more stable. To load ROM0:CDVDMAN.IRX I needed to disable concurrent RPC calls to make it more stable. If somebody finds the source code, don't post a hyper link in this forum.
@bruno.bertechini: Maybe the eromdrvloader.irx problem happens only on a PS2 with modchip. Can you completely disable the modchip and still run homebrew software? As far as I know you can run homebrew on a v16 only with a modchip. It is also possible that eromdrvloader.irx is not working, because Sony wanted to block softmods.
@deba5er: I was thinking more about the problem. You have a slim v12, but is USB running stable? Then the problem is probably not caused by RPC.
I want to know if network was working on your v12 before I released kernelloader 2.0? Sorry, I begin to confuse the different answers in this thread and I think there was no answer to this question in this thread before.
@Mega Man
USB is running stable on v12. I would show this by the 45 minute USB load using my installer which hangs for everyone else on the slim. It finishes, boots, and runs fine on the v12. I just recently got the v12 so I will have to test kloader v1.9 with it to see if the network works or not. I can do this tomorrow evening when I get home.@deba5er: I was thinking more about the problem. You have a slim v12, but is USB running stable? Then the problem is probably not caused by RPC.
I want to know if network was working on your v12 before I released kernelloader 2.0? Sorry, I begin to confuse the different answers in this thread and I think there was no answer to this question in this thread before.
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
That is quite interesting. My slim silver ps2 is not modded, it uses that swap magic software to run copied ps2 games and homebrew software. It works quite well, actually. The only thing that worries me is if I do not take care of the swap magic disc itself, then I would have to purchase another because its impossible to copy it because its a VERY special pressing.
I considered adding a physical modchip to it, but it still has a year warranty, and I don't want to make any changes that aren't easy to remove.
That said, I am usually good at finding things on the net. I will search for this source code, and if I find it, I will let you know.
That is quite interesting. My slim silver ps2 is not modded, it uses that swap magic software to run copied ps2 games and homebrew software. It works quite well, actually. The only thing that worries me is if I do not take care of the swap magic disc itself, then I would have to purchase another because its impossible to copy it because its a VERY special pressing.
I considered adding a physical modchip to it, but it still has a year warranty, and I don't want to make any changes that aren't easy to remove.
That said, I am usually good at finding things on the net. I will search for this source code, and if I find it, I will let you know.
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
Read the model number from the back of your PS2. For some PS2s this is all you need to do - ... rsionTable
You can also get info on your BIOS which helps with version from ULE Filebrowser/Misc/Debug.
The slims changed fairly significantly from the FAT PS2s. I have 2 FAT PS2s and my girlfriend has one. All have hard drive/network adapters and all run PS2-Linux (among other homebrew) great. However, the slims don't have the hard drive and have changed chipsets for network/cpu/graphics, so the ps2linux which has drivers tied to specific roms/hardware might have problems on the slim. That is the pain we are now going through ;-)
edited - filebrowser/misc/debug
Read the model number from the back of your PS2. For some PS2s this is all you need to do - ... rsionTable
You can also get info on your BIOS which helps with version from ULE Filebrowser/Misc/Debug.
The slims changed fairly significantly from the FAT PS2s. I have 2 FAT PS2s and my girlfriend has one. All have hard drive/network adapters and all run PS2-Linux (among other homebrew) great. However, the slims don't have the hard drive and have changed chipsets for network/cpu/graphics, so the ps2linux which has drivers tied to specific roms/hardware might have problems on the slim. That is the pain we are now going through ;-)
edited - filebrowser/misc/debug
Last edited by deba5er on Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
That's what Free Mc Boot is for. After it's installed on a memcard there is no need for Swap Magic. And reading from MC is always more reliable than a Swap Magic boot in my experience of both.SlimSilver wrote:@MegaMan
That is quite interesting. My slim silver ps2 is not modded, it uses that swap magic software to run copied ps2 games and homebrew software. It works quite well, actually. The only thing that worries me is if I do not take care of the swap magic disc itself, then I would have to purchase another because its impossible to copy it because its a VERY special pressing.
I considered adding a physical modchip to it, but it still has a year warranty, and I don't want to make any changes that aren't easy to remove.
That said, I am usually good at finding things on the net. I will search for this source code, and if I find it, I will let you know.
edit: Sony has closed the FMcB feature in recent slims.
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
From wikipedia
A recent development (May 2008) allows homebrew programs to be launched without a trigger disc such as is needed in the older exploit, which also allows use of homebrew on unmodded systems with a dead disc drive (Free McBoot), however installation of the exploit to each individual memory card (copying does NOT work) requires an already exploited/modded system in order to launch the installer, this newer exploit will not work on the very newest PS2s (SCPH-9000x model with BIOS 2.30 and up) but will work on ALL models prior to that, including slimlines.
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If you have free mcboot (FMCB) working on your console then it must NOT be one of the newest consoles (SCPH-9000x model with BIOS 2.30 and up).
If you can use FMCB then you can use the homebrew software ESR, which will allow you to load most of your backed up games. However you WILL need to copy the backups to your computer, 'patch' them and burn to a new DVD-R before you can use them. If you do not want to do that then stick with swapmagic.
If you have free mcboot (FMCB) working on your console then it must NOT be one of the newest consoles (SCPH-9000x model with BIOS 2.30 and up).
If you can use FMCB then you can use the homebrew software ESR, which will allow you to load most of your backed up games. However you WILL need to copy the backups to your computer, 'patch' them and burn to a new DVD-R before you can use them. If you do not want to do that then stick with swapmagic.
Last edited by peterdcrees on Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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You can find all you need to know about ESR here: ... ostcount=1 ... ostcount=1
@Mega Man
I then booted and ran fine, with no hangs. Certainly it would not have made it through the untar-bzip2 process without a hang if the rpc module is the problem as it runs hard for 45 minutes to unpack the distro onto the sda3 partition of the usb drive from the sda1 partition. Every other slim report I've heard has not been able to make it through the unpacking part of the installation on usb (if they made it to the unpacking part of the script to begin with).
So it is FAT PS2 works, Slim PSTwo v14+ does not work, regardless of rpc module. Hmm.
I ran the full usb installation with intrelay-direct-rpc.irx enabled in kernelloader modules section instead of the usual intrelay-direct.irx on a FAT PS2 version 7.I need to implement a queue for the interrupts. We can check if RPC is the problem, we need just to load "intrelay-direct-rpc.irx" instead of "intrelay-direct.irx" on a fat PS2. If this is running unstable, then RPC is the problem.
I then booted and ran fine, with no hangs. Certainly it would not have made it through the untar-bzip2 process without a hang if the rpc module is the problem as it runs hard for 45 minutes to unpack the distro onto the sda3 partition of the usb drive from the sda1 partition. Every other slim report I've heard has not been able to make it through the unpacking part of the installation on usb (if they made it to the unpacking part of the script to begin with).
So it is FAT PS2 works, Slim PSTwo v14+ does not work, regardless of rpc module. Hmm.
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:39 pm
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