One of the things I'd like to see on PSP when homebrew comes to life is a reader for eBooks. Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't display text files...
So, for those who also want to enjoy reading on the go, I slapped together a converter for text files.
It takes .txts and converts them into a bunch of .jpgs crafted for PSP resolution. It will create a folder with the same filename in the same folder as the source txt file. Just drop that folder into your PHOTO directory and you are set.
You can tinker with fonts to see which one works best for you (there is a preview thing).
It is written in C#.Net, so you must have .Net framework 1.1 installed.
One thing that bugs me, though, is that a txt file that was ~450kbytes turns into ~25Megs of image files... What a waste.
Here is the file - Click Me
Hopefuly it will work on more than one computer (mine:D )
eBooks on PSP
eBooks on PSP
What does this button do?
I've been using for this purpose.
Can the PSP image viewer handle PNGs as well? If so, I think it would be much more efficient to use that format instead. Smaller file size and better quality. :D JPEG is better for photos, but PNG is better in this case (lots of same colour).
JPEG: 18.2 KB

PNG: 4.32 KB

Both were saved in MS Paint.
PS. Sorry for the stupid text... I couldn't think of anything better at the time.
JPEG: 18.2 KB

PNG: 4.32 KB

Both were saved in MS Paint.
PS. Sorry for the stupid text... I couldn't think of anything better at the time.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Oh, I did not realize that it reads PNGs!! I tried GIF and gave up :D
Should be pretty easy to change. Update version will come out soon.
Edit: Looks like PSP doesn't handle PNG through the image viewer... I guess we are stuck with JPGs... I'm gona try to see if it's possible to squeeze out some more compression without loosing too much quality.
Should be pretty easy to change. Update version will come out soon.
Edit: Looks like PSP doesn't handle PNG through the image viewer... I guess we are stuck with JPGs... I'm gona try to see if it's possible to squeeze out some more compression without loosing too much quality.
What does this button do?
Updated version.
Now you can change image quality to get the best compromise between size and readability.
Download it here.
Download it here.
What does this button do?