Open Keyboard Project
Whoops, thats correct. Make sure its the piKeyOSKout.prx from that archive.
Its needed because of the new way the sony OSK keyboard works. I also copied across the DANZEFF one, because some apps weren't quite working with numbers properly, and I thought that might help (it didn't, just does the same thing).
By using the new piKeyOSKout.prx, it should fix the weird characters you are getting in the OSK. The baud rate does not need to be changed if you are using jeans pikey from his archive (along with the piKeyOSKout.prx from the unofficial pikey), only in the pspAdvancedSIO app because the 4800kbs is hard coded in the chatpad firmware and pspAdvancedSIO defaults to 9600kbs.
Its needed because of the new way the sony OSK keyboard works. I also copied across the DANZEFF one, because some apps weren't quite working with numbers properly, and I thought that might help (it didn't, just does the same thing).
By using the new piKeyOSKout.prx, it should fix the weird characters you are getting in the OSK. The baud rate does not need to be changed if you are using jeans pikey from his archive (along with the piKeyOSKout.prx from the unofficial pikey), only in the pspAdvancedSIO app because the 4800kbs is hard coded in the chatpad firmware and pspAdvancedSIO defaults to 9600kbs.
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Jean i need help does the chatpad come with the firmware?(if so send me link or folder at [email protected]). also i wanted to tell you that u r the best in the world to figure this out im gonna buy one at target in like 5 min when i go!!!! ROCK ON MAN!!!!
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I guess I'm screwed then cause that's what I've been doing all along. I'd be more accepting of defeat if it weren't for the fact that I get it to work perfectly in the sio tester. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong I could swear that I'm following all the directions in this thread to perfectly.
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
Why don't you post this file for the people that come here, that don't have a programing environment?To jump to DANZEFF mode, you need to go to scan mode (people+A), then hit 4 (ascii code for ctrl-d), then back to serial mode (people+S).
To help make that easier, I recompiled openKeyboard031 to make green dot+1 be ctrl-d. To do this, in openKeyboard.c, modify the first entry of line 6 of the green alt serial map from 49 to 4 and recompile and flash, or in a hex editor modify openKeyboard.hex (at your own risk):
Last edited by l0rdnic0 on Tue May 05, 2009 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi all,
Just in case this could help someone trying to find a chatpad that has the PIC in it instead of the microsoft chip, the 2 pads that worked fine with the PIC chip had a serial code of:
The microsoft one was:
I dont know what you can determine from a sample of 3, but maybe others on the board could post there serial numbers so we can see if there is any commonality for the PIC related chatpads.
Just in case this could help someone trying to find a chatpad that has the PIC in it instead of the microsoft chip, the 2 pads that worked fine with the PIC chip had a serial code of:
The microsoft one was:
I dont know what you can determine from a sample of 3, but maybe others on the board could post there serial numbers so we can see if there is any commonality for the PIC related chatpads.
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When I play with the modes a little I'm able to get each key to have the same reaction when it's pressed rather than a different reaction each time when hitting the same key (as if each key no longer had random reactions but rather key assignments) but the only propblem is it's the wrong reactions. I'd assume it was a hardware issue if it weren't for the fact that I can get it to work perfectly in the sio tester. I might not be a programmer but never the less I do know my way around a psp when it comes to the installation and configuration of hardware, firmware and homebrew and in the case of hardware I can even pull off modification to a pretty good degree when all that is taken into consideration it makes you wonder what the hell is going on here after all it does seem that I'm following all the instructions and even setting things up in a way that others with a psp slim have confirmed works for them. If it just didn't work in the sio tester then all this would be easily explainable as a hardware issue. I really have read almost the entire thread so I don't feel that I'm just being lazy and asking redundant questions although I suppose if I'm the only one that has had this problem then I could understand why it might not be in anyone's interest to solve my problem (not that I'm suggesting that no one has attempted to come to my aid cause they have) as there would be no real benefit in it to the community and to others in the future who pursue this mod that will look upon thread as reference material.
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
Hi DudeeBalls,
When you are in the pspAdvancedSio, and you've set the baud rate to 4800, what happens when you type? Are you seeing numbers or letters?
If you hit the X button on the PSP, it should change to character mode. When in this mode, can you type a normal sentence (ie, is what you type what you see on the screen?).
If that works as expected, maybe you could zip up you seplugins folder and send it to me and I'll check it on my psp with my chatpad.
When you are in the pspAdvancedSio, and you've set the baud rate to 4800, what happens when you type? Are you seeing numbers or letters?
If you hit the X button on the PSP, it should change to character mode. When in this mode, can you type a normal sentence (ie, is what you type what you see on the screen?).
If that works as expected, maybe you could zip up you seplugins folder and send it to me and I'll check it on my psp with my chatpad.
baldric wrote:Hi all,
Just in case this could help someone trying to find a chatpad that has the PIC in it instead of the microsoft chip, the 2 pads that worked fine with the PIC chip had a serial code of:
The microsoft one was:
I dont know what you can determine from a sample of 3, but maybe others on the board could post there serial numbers so we can see if there is any commonality for the PIC related chatpads.
About the file, I was just thinking some may be lazy, but I see your point about hosting the file.
I must have been away for a real long time!!! Now there are chat pads that use a different chip? Well that's FAIL!!!! I'll see what I can do about getting a list of serial numbers for all the KBD's I have done for ppl.
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I'm so sorry you guys. I feel like such an idiot it turns out I had the wrong cable attached to the rx. Now that I have it working I just have to get it working with cfw 5.00 m33-6 (so far there were too many kinks so I've been sticking with 4.00 m33-2). I'm normally not this stupid I guess when I was getting perfect results in the sio tester I assumed that it meant it had to be an issue on the "soft" side of things. I guess it might not need rx to beable to have basic functionality in the tester. As long as transmit data (tx) was correctly connected it was retaining the use of that basic function and fooling me in the process. I haven't got a chance to test pspwrite-v1.2.1-fw5x in 5.00 m33-6 yet but it doesn't work in 4.00 m33-2 (which isn't surprising since it's meant for 5.00 and above). I actually wouldn't mind sticking with 4.00 m33-2 if I could just get either Game Categories, AppSwitcher or something with those type of features to work with it which so far doesn't look like it's gonna happen. I have the PhotoFast CR-3100 Mod done so with that kind of memory at my disposal you could quite easily imagine organization of my applications is a must (in other words I have a whole butt-load of homebrews). In the pspwrite folder did you have to change the PSPIRKeyB.ini file to include Qwerty.ini (copied from piKey folder that is) and change the selected keyboard to 0 for no IR keyboard or perhaps one of the other optional keyboard numbers? I'd like to bring up a little hardware issue that I have while I'm here. I removed the headset jack from the chatpad motherboard and put one on from my psp's headset that I got from DealExtreme. I know that it has mic capability but for some reason I can't seem to locate the mic pin on the jack itself so for now I just have it set up for headphone throughput. I know I with proper routing of the paths I could've just used the xBox's headset but I had just bought a nice operator style one for my psp that I'd rather use and that way I get both earpieces. Perhaps someone could help me with this issue. I included a pic in which I outline the pin setup of the psp headset prior to removing the jack from it (I tried to match the colors to their corresponding wire's colors when possible). I have a chronic illness and have been having a hard few days so I haven't been as attentive to the forums and to the details of my projects as I'd like to be.

The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
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Jean email me at [email protected] i need the download link for the psp keyboard firmware and the thing to work it...... thx hope u send it to me or reply
No, I didn't but it was a pain in the butt to get it to work at first, but that's because I was using the (people button + a then 3, then people button + s) should have been (people button + a then 4, then people button s)...DudeeBalls wrote:In the pspwrite folder did you have to change the PSPIRKeyB.ini file to include Qwerty.ini (copied from piKey folder that is) and change the selected keyboard to 0 for no IR keyboard or perhaps one of the other optional keyboard numbers?
If you like I can give you my seplugin folder and the pspwrite folder (if needed).
I would love that too. I have spent a lot of time trying to get the mic to work (without the PSP Remote) but no luck. Unless you wire it to the mic pin and use the loco_roco plugin prx.. However that will not work with all games nore will that work with SkypeDudeeBalls wrote:I'd like to bring up a little hardware issue that I have while I'm here. I removed the headset jack from the chatpad motherboard and put one on from my psp's headset that I got from DealExtreme. I know that it has mic capability but for some reason I can't seem to locate the mic pin on the jack itself so for now I just have it set up for headphone throughput. I know I with proper routing of the paths I could've just used the xBox's headset but I had just bought a nice operator style one for my psp that I'd rather use and that way I get both earpieces. Perhaps someone could help me with this issue. I included a pic in which I outline the pin setup of the psp headset prior to removing the jack from it (I tried to match the colors to their corresponding wire's colors when possible). I have a chronic illness and have been having a hard few days so I haven't been as attentive to the forums and to the details of my projects as I'd like to be.
If someone could figure that out I would kiss the ground they walk on!
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Maybe I do need your folder cause in the 5.00 m33-6 cfw enviroment I just can't seem to get pspwrite to work. I do get it to switch to Danzeff mode properly. I even replaced the piKeyOSKOut.PRX with the one from piKey v0.5 Unofficial Release. Another thing that's really been bugging me is that in 5.00 the chatpad doesn't work in the XMB therefore I can't use it to surf the web :(. I tried using it in Netfront Internet Browser Beta 3 which does at least allow it to access the chatpad since that surfs the web in game mode but for some reason it won't type properly even in that mode and even if I turn on Danzeff mode. The only other program I've tried to use the chatpad in while in 5.00 m33-6 is afkim and it worked perfectly in that app as long as I turned on Danzeff mode. Thing is I really miss my Game Categories Revised V3 so I hate having to use 4.00 m33-2 and using it to surf the web is one of if not the most important reason that I got the chatpad.
I studied the psp remote some more and even tested the contacts with my voltmeter in ohms mode to see if I could trace the connection from the mic to the headphone jack but I just can't figure it out and I don't want to bust a perfectly good jack in half just to see if there's some hidden contact. I'm pretty sure if I had just left the original jack from the chatpad as it was and just connected the wires from the psp's connector to it that I could've done a mic throughput using either the actual contacts around the jack, the little contacts on the board surrounding the jack (like the rx, tx and vcc) or the contacts coming from the pins on the socket that originally connected the chatpad's motherboard to the chatpad's external connector interface on the top of the device but then I would've been stuck using the chatpad's included headset rather than my nice $ony PSP Skype Headset "knock-off" from DealExtreme not to mention that this way I could get audio in both earpieces rather than just one and I can use the chatpad even when I just want to use regular headphones. I suppose that I could always connect all of the chatpad's wires to my spare psp remote and have it also running out the top of the chatpad next to the connector's wire but I'd rather have it all integrated if possible cause that way it makes it seem like the chatpad was made for the psp not to mention that I don't even know how many of the remotes functions would work anyway while set up in that manner.
I remember seeing either a pic or vid of someones chatpad and they had a nice white wire stopper/hood where the wire went into the chatpad at its entrance. I'd like to know more about how they did/got that cause it looked a lot better and more professional than my hot glue stopper/hood.
I studied the psp remote some more and even tested the contacts with my voltmeter in ohms mode to see if I could trace the connection from the mic to the headphone jack but I just can't figure it out and I don't want to bust a perfectly good jack in half just to see if there's some hidden contact. I'm pretty sure if I had just left the original jack from the chatpad as it was and just connected the wires from the psp's connector to it that I could've done a mic throughput using either the actual contacts around the jack, the little contacts on the board surrounding the jack (like the rx, tx and vcc) or the contacts coming from the pins on the socket that originally connected the chatpad's motherboard to the chatpad's external connector interface on the top of the device but then I would've been stuck using the chatpad's included headset rather than my nice $ony PSP Skype Headset "knock-off" from DealExtreme not to mention that this way I could get audio in both earpieces rather than just one and I can use the chatpad even when I just want to use regular headphones. I suppose that I could always connect all of the chatpad's wires to my spare psp remote and have it also running out the top of the chatpad next to the connector's wire but I'd rather have it all integrated if possible cause that way it makes it seem like the chatpad was made for the psp not to mention that I don't even know how many of the remotes functions would work anyway while set up in that manner.
I remember seeing either a pic or vid of someones chatpad and they had a nice white wire stopper/hood where the wire went into the chatpad at its entrance. I'd like to know more about how they did/got that cause it looked a lot better and more professional than my hot glue stopper/hood.
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
I agree with that statement as my keyboard works fine in the xmb. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you the files...baldric wrote:Hi DudeeBalls,
I know this might be obvious, but have you made sure that the VSH.txt has pikey.prx enabled? Sounds like your game.txt has it, but maybe not your vsh.txt.
No need to hack up your remote to see if there is a hidden trace... There's not, I have been there and done that.DudeeBalls wrote: I studied the psp remote some more and even tested the contacts with my voltmeter in ohms mode to see if I could trace the connection from the mic to the headphone jack but I just can't figure it out and I don't want to bust a perfectly good jack in half just to see if there's some hidden contact.
Heres what I think, and I might add that I could be very wrong here, but as I mentioned before I have spent a lot of time with this mic issue. When you plug the remote into the PSP the PSP talks to the Remote via rx/tx The chip on the remote sends a signal back to the SIO that says "HEY I'M A REMOTE" the psp then enables the mic.
I say this because I can get the mic to work without the remote using the loco_roco.prx plugin but I cant get it to work with skype. If there was a way to trick the PSP into thinking that the SIO was the keyboard and the remote all in one we would be set.
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I do have it set in vsh and in 4.00 m33-2 it works in the XMB but not in 5.00 m33-6 also there's a few appz that it looses/jumbles functionality in when in 5.00 m33-6 even though it had perfect functionality in 4.00 m33-2. Perhaps this could all be attributed to some plugin that's interfering somehow. If what you say is true I suppose I'll have to either build the remotes motherboard into the inside of the chatpad just for that darn mic feature or I'll have to have a second line coming out the top of the chatpad with a remote on the end of it and all of it's wires tied/soldered into their corresponding contacts along with the original wires from the psp connector cable. Even if the remotes featuring were useless I suppose at the very least mic functionality would be restored and you would have to audio ports available (at least in my case seeing as I already have the internal one set up). I traced the tx and rx and they're not tied into the remote's audio jack as far as I can tell. The only way I can think of that they pull it off is somehow through the GND because even though I know that doesn't really make any sense it's the only contact out of the three that sends rather than receive. In regard to your theory the only thing that I could think of is that perhaps it somehow combines the GND with the psp's rx since they both have the psp as their destination although I'm not sure how that adds up. The point is that the mic's signal cant's be being sent on the L or R audio contacts so the only one I could imagine it using even if it uses it in some complex and incomprehensible manner would have to be the GND. The only other way would be through a hidden contact.
here's my seplugins txt's (1 is on & 0 is off):
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/APPSwitcher.prx 0
ms0:/SEPlugins/piKey.PRX 1
ms0:/SEPlugins/game_categories.prx 1
ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/vshmenu.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/CFE/cfe_loader.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/hold.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/PSPluginInfo.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/TweakDisplay.prx 1
ms0:/SEPlugins/piKey.PRX 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/CFE/cfe_loader.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/CWCheat/cwcheat.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/hold.prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/PSPGameInfo.prx 1
here's my seplugins txt's (1 is on & 0 is off):
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/APPSwitcher.prx 0
ms0:/SEPlugins/piKey.PRX 1
ms0:/SEPlugins/game_categories.prx 1
ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/vshmenu.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/CFE/cfe_loader.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/hold.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/PSPluginInfo.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/TweakDisplay.prx 1
ms0:/SEPlugins/piKey.PRX 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/CFE/cfe_loader.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/CWCheat/cwcheat.prx 1
ms0:/SEPLUGINS/hold.prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/PSPGameInfo.prx 1
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
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I tried deactivating all game.txt plugins except piKey.prx but I still couldn't get accurate functionality out of Netfront Internet Browser Beta 3 nor pspwrite-v1.2.1-fw5x. It does work properly in afkim (it was always working in afkim) and XMB now though. I have yet to test in with other appz. BTW the side arrows on my chatpad don't seem to work is this normal?
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
Let me try netfront... one thing I noticed was that with 5.00 m33-6 I no longer have the new xmb keyboard, the one that looks like a keyboard...DudeeBalls wrote:I tried deactivating all game.txt plugins except piKey.prx but I still couldn't get accurate functionality out of Netfront Internet Browser Beta 3 nor pspwrite-v1.2.1-fw5x. It does work properly in afkim (it was always working in afkim) and XMB now though. I have yet to test in with other appz. BTW the side arrows on my chatpad don't seem to work is this normal?
Mine works fine in pspwrite, afkim is flawless and I have my config file setup so I don't need to use the dpad or the []OX/\ to get around...
The arrows don't work, there not coded.
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The old download i removed from other sites and home of future announces/releases ... tpadsstuff ... tpadsstuff
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I got the mic working by running a wire along the side of the headset jack and folding it into the entrance of the jack. It turns out the mic contact is the base/sleeve (the part that is usually the ground on a regular headphone plug) of the psp headset plug. Unfortunately I got the same compatibility issues that you did with skype and what not. I get the same issue with my Operator Style PSP Headset from DealExtreme though so that is rather infuriating seeing as I got it as an alternative/Knock-off to the skype headset. If anyone knows how the official psp remote/headset tricks skype and the such into seeing it that info would be much appreciated. Can anyone say OpenHeadset Project ;).
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
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- Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:43 am
If you'd just take the instructions on how to make the mic fully functional along with how to make a stopper/hood or "wire entrance interface" if you will for the PSP plug's wire to chatpad entry point and you'd have an xBox 360 peripheral that would be for all intensive purposes 100% assimilated into a PSP peripheral.
The Phone is Ringing I Cannot Linger. Watch Out Butt Here Comes my Finger.
In case people are looking for ideas, here's my modified PSP-2000 Remote with output cable for detachable chatpad (ie, the chatpad can detach from the cable, not the chatpad lead from the remote).
This allows me to carry around only one lead, that still works perfectly with the remote and mic. The headphone socket always passes audio - its just the remote capabilities and potentially mic that wont work (ie, skype won't see the mic unless you unplug the chatpad - but you don't have to have pikey disabled). If you use AudioMechanica then you can leave pikey running and have the chatpad plugged in, and both the chatpad and mic will work. If you want remote capabilities, then you'll need to disable pikey from loading (by default by hitting Select on system startup).
The connector plug is that from the unused part of the original 360 chatpad and the associated socket from a chatpad board that i accidently fried.

This allows me to carry around only one lead, that still works perfectly with the remote and mic. The headphone socket always passes audio - its just the remote capabilities and potentially mic that wont work (ie, skype won't see the mic unless you unplug the chatpad - but you don't have to have pikey disabled). If you use AudioMechanica then you can leave pikey running and have the chatpad plugged in, and both the chatpad and mic will work. If you want remote capabilities, then you'll need to disable pikey from loading (by default by hitting Select on system startup).
The connector plug is that from the unused part of the original 360 chatpad and the associated socket from a chatpad board that i accidently fried.

hello again jean,
I know that you have not interest in PC scene, but with your
experience you think is possible to flash firmware and getting
working also for PC?
Start to program sort of 'monitor' for pc side (HID devices).
Now i'm reading from xbox gamepad, don't know if is possible
to send some data, in fact first big problem is to 'initialize'
chatpad, that is 'off' when using it with gmapad connected to PC.
I know that you are not interested but any suggestion is appreciated.
thank you for your time,
I know that you have not interest in PC scene, but with your
experience you think is possible to flash firmware and getting
working also for PC?
Start to program sort of 'monitor' for pc side (HID devices).
Now i'm reading from xbox gamepad, don't know if is possible
to send some data, in fact first big problem is to 'initialize'
chatpad, that is 'off' when using it with gmapad connected to PC.
I know that you are not interested but any suggestion is appreciated.
thank you for your time,