Hi guys thanks so much for your help, I just wanted to know the following I just came across a driver developed by a guy called alex popovich
http://alexpopovich.wordpress.com/2008/ ... ce-filter/
which supposedly works fine on XP. I wanted to buy a ps3 cam to use on PC cause of the sensor it uses which is VGA and has a great quality reaching 60fps. Mainly to use on MSN and some other stuff.
But I don't know if it's actually working fine , I just want to hear your advises. I also came across Microsoft Lifecam VX-5000 which supposedly has a CCD sensor pretty similar to Omnivisions on ps3 but barely reaches 30fps. so I'm in between these two. If you happen to know another driver for the ps3 eye besides the one from this guy.. I would appreciatte all your help thanks so much