Open Keyboard Project
(just sent a mail to l0rdic0 that should provide web space...)
Here it is a first dirty attempt to correctly manage chatpad from pikey.
It's VERY primitive since i'm still using plain serial instead of advanced scancode mode.
Be sure to turn off ANYTHING dealing with SIO port on PSP (so no debug in/out from/to pikey, and disable the other sio plugin as well)
Known Problems:
-audio is always routed to speakers, unless you press volume up/down (and not having earphones on chatpad i don't know if sound is then routed back to hp or muted at all)
-you have to plug chatpad in BEFORE you turn on PSP or just before exiting a game,rebooting etc... if you unplug/replug it, no power will be issued
From now on, to avoid a "version-mismatch hell", i will call OKPD psp software dealing with chatpad (Open Keyboard Project Driver) and OKPF (...Firmware) the firmware replacement for hardware; both will be followed by a version number. Functionality will be "guaranteed" between x.y.z driver/firmware with at least x,y equals. Current out is 0.3 (for both dr/fw) and with 0.3.1 i will move toward 0.4 in wich you should find:
-loader over serial port (no more disassembling for reflashing after the first time)
-bidirectional protocol
Here it is a first dirty attempt to correctly manage chatpad from pikey.
It's VERY primitive since i'm still using plain serial instead of advanced scancode mode.
Be sure to turn off ANYTHING dealing with SIO port on PSP (so no debug in/out from/to pikey, and disable the other sio plugin as well)
Known Problems:
-audio is always routed to speakers, unless you press volume up/down (and not having earphones on chatpad i don't know if sound is then routed back to hp or muted at all)
-you have to plug chatpad in BEFORE you turn on PSP or just before exiting a game,rebooting etc... if you unplug/replug it, no power will be issued
From now on, to avoid a "version-mismatch hell", i will call OKPD psp software dealing with chatpad (Open Keyboard Project Driver) and OKPF (...Firmware) the firmware replacement for hardware; both will be followed by a version number. Functionality will be "guaranteed" between x.y.z driver/firmware with at least x,y equals. Current out is 0.3 (for both dr/fw) and with 0.3.1 i will move toward 0.4 in wich you should find:
-loader over serial port (no more disassembling for reflashing after the first time)
-bidirectional protocol
Ok, guys... here are some updates. I used megaupload, so the files will not remain in their place forever.. anyone willing to mirror has my bless. At the moment i'm uploading i realize that config file for winPic is missing, but it's not vital if you choose the easy way and go with picPgm...(will add it next time). Damn, youtube uploading is taking forever!!!!
SIO tester app:
Pikey (the first ugly version i modded, must improve):
Photos: ... nector.jpg
PS: AS I SAY IN A SOURCE FILE, I'M RUNNING INTO MIKROC 2K LIMIT...i'll try to optimize space to add new features, otherwise i will be forced to buy the full version...may i begin to speak of donations? (latest mikroC compiler is $175.00...
@l0rdnic0: what bad kind of modder you are :) ! I just realized you leaved chatpad's plastics almost untouched!!! (just kidding, but take a look at my cut in the photos above!!)
Have fun...
SIO tester app:
Pikey (the first ugly version i modded, must improve):
Photos: ... nector.jpg
PS: AS I SAY IN A SOURCE FILE, I'M RUNNING INTO MIKROC 2K LIMIT...i'll try to optimize space to add new features, otherwise i will be forced to buy the full version...may i begin to speak of donations? (latest mikroC compiler is $175.00...
@l0rdnic0: what bad kind of modder you are :) ! I just realized you leaved chatpad's plastics almost untouched!!! (just kidding, but take a look at my cut in the photos above!!)
Have fun...
all I can say is WOW it works great and to answer your question about sound and sound pass through. If you turn on the PSP without touching the volume and have the keyboard plugged in the sound will play on the PSP speakers even though the headphone jack is in. Then if you press the Vol + or - button the sound is transfered to the head set.
Now can you tell me how to press the CTRL key or can you compile piKey so that you can enable the Danzeff keyboard some other way then pressing CTRL - D
I can't pass CTRL - D :(
Aside from that everyone this thing ROCKS!!!!! JEAN YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!
EDIT: Somehow I was able to pass CTRL - D (People button - A then press 3 then pressing people button - S) cause I can type in DANZEFF Keyboard in AFKIM and enter a username and password, that works fine , (AFKIM works perfectly).
However PSPWrite and PSPSSH from ZX-81 does not work when the piKey.prx plugin is enabled. PSPSSH boots up and I can select the correct Wifi AP and press enter. Then it attempts to get an IP address. After it gets an address its should bring you to to a menu where you specify a host to connect to but insted it just locks up.
PSPWRITE Loads the background image but thats it you never get the menu or the program fails to load.
So I was able to tell that when I started trying to use the SSH and Write apps that there were files missing from the .graphics/default folder of each program. KEYS_t.png. Somewhere I read that piKey supports two diferent types of keyboard drivers and I think piKey is thinking that our little keyboards are being found as the one driver that starts with T but I'm trying to get more info abbout this before I start talking out of my butt.
I'm running the latest versions of PSPWrite and PSPSSH and my PSP is on 4.1m33 ATM (not sure if this one is running 1.5 kernel) . I'm just stating this here, Jean I'm not asking you to fix PSPSSH or PSPWRITE but just wondering if you would know why it might for fine for AFKIM but not even load on the other two.
all I can say is WOW it works great and to answer your question about sound and sound pass through. If you turn on the PSP without touching the volume and have the keyboard plugged in the sound will play on the PSP speakers even though the headphone jack is in. Then if you press the Vol + or - button the sound is transfered to the head set.
Now can you tell me how to press the CTRL key or can you compile piKey so that you can enable the Danzeff keyboard some other way then pressing CTRL - D
I can't pass CTRL - D :(
Aside from that everyone this thing ROCKS!!!!! JEAN YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!
EDIT: Somehow I was able to pass CTRL - D (People button - A then press 3 then pressing people button - S) cause I can type in DANZEFF Keyboard in AFKIM and enter a username and password, that works fine , (AFKIM works perfectly).
However PSPWrite and PSPSSH from ZX-81 does not work when the piKey.prx plugin is enabled. PSPSSH boots up and I can select the correct Wifi AP and press enter. Then it attempts to get an IP address. After it gets an address its should bring you to to a menu where you specify a host to connect to but insted it just locks up.
PSPWRITE Loads the background image but thats it you never get the menu or the program fails to load.
So I was able to tell that when I started trying to use the SSH and Write apps that there were files missing from the .graphics/default folder of each program. KEYS_t.png. Somewhere I read that piKey supports two diferent types of keyboard drivers and I think piKey is thinking that our little keyboards are being found as the one driver that starts with T but I'm trying to get more info abbout this before I start talking out of my butt.
I'm running the latest versions of PSPWrite and PSPSSH and my PSP is on 4.1m33 ATM (not sure if this one is running 1.5 kernel) . I'm just stating this here, Jean I'm not asking you to fix PSPSSH or PSPWRITE but just wondering if you would know why it might for fine for AFKIM but not even load on the other two.
Last edited by l0rdnic0 on Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hey Nic0, I tried to do what you said and it was unsuccessful . In the ctrl config file would it accept DANZEFF as a command? Then it would be possible to do this:l0rdnic0 wrote:Jean
EDIT: Somehow I was able to pass CTRL - D (People button - A then press 3 then pressing people button - S) cause I can type in DANZEFF Keyboard in AFKIM and enter a username and password, that works fine , (AFKIM works perfectly).
I lost wifi now i cant try. Im probably wrong though
@Nubit: I tried to do that with | but it didn't work. I think that's hard coded.Neubit wrote:Hey Nic0, I tried to do what you said and it was unsuccessful . In the ctrl config file would it accept DANZEFF as a command? Then it would be possible to do this:
I lost wifi now i cant try. Im probably wrong though
Try this
Yeah hold people button and press D
then let go of the people button and press 1 2 3 4 5 (the danzeff osk kbd should come on the screen) then
Press hold People button and S
Then let go of People button and you should be set
Last edited by l0rdnic0 on Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Here is a reply from ZX-81, I sent him a message because AFKIM worked perfect with Jeans Kbd but PSPSSH does not. Zx is the author of both programs as well as many other quality homebrew tools.
@Jean: can you tell me if your PRX works for libirkeyb
Hi Dude,
I'm not using pikey in both afkim and pspssh .. i'm only using a modified version of the libirkeyb library (IR library stuff that pikey uses as well).
If your driver is integrated in libirkeyb then you will just have to recompile pspssh and afkim width your lib an it should work properly.
Cheers, Zx
@Jean: can you tell me if your PRX works for libirkeyb
Hi Dude,
I'm not using pikey in both afkim and pspssh .. i'm only using a modified version of the libirkeyb library (IR library stuff that pikey uses as well).
If your driver is integrated in libirkeyb then you will just have to recompile pspssh and afkim width your lib an it should work properly.
Cheers, Zx
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At the moment i'm working to a driver version working with scancodes (so it correctly recognizes presses/releases and you can use the keyboard to play games, too) and i'm preparing various interfaces for it. The first you already know is for pikey, but i already contacted Arwin to follow his advice to inerface with PSPrint (=dosbox, basiliskII,...) and i plan to do it both directly in code and by simulating keypresses under pikey (so that you can use older version without recompiling them). Long ago i was suggested to write a "fake" IR driver under pspirkeyb, but it did not seem a clean idea to me...however, if this helps, i will try. In the meanwhile, for the ctrl+D story, according to this ascii table the code is 0x04 so you probably obtained it pressing [ppl]+[a] to go scan mode, [4] and then [ppl]+[s] to return plain serial. In scan mode there will be no problem, but in plain serial things like these were to be handled by onboard shortcut manager in my first idea. But as i stated in my previous post i'm running into a size limit of the free version of the compiler i'm using so i'm cutting out some features until i can afford the full version of mikroC. Will try to do a quick and dirty hack in pikey source. Fixing audio on volume changes now pass to a lowest level of priority. Highest priority remains to reverse parts of hprm library to discover how to correctly register a callback to discover insertions.
jean wrote:But as i stated in my previous post i'm running into a size limit of the free version of the compiler i'm using so i'm cutting out some features until i can afford the full version of mikroC. Will try to do a quick and dirty hack in pikey source. Fixing audio on volume changes now pass to a lowest level of priority. Highest priority remains to reverse parts of hprm library to discover how to correctly register a callback to discover insertions.
Jean, give us a paypal or other form of web payment so I can kick of the donation bus for you :D as soon as you do I'll tip some sites to spark more interest.
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Wow....dude, you're very nice! Anyhow i wouldn't make people donate their money without any reasonable probability their money will be useful. So, while i'm setting up a paypal account, anyone willing to do an even very small donation, please PM me so i will realize the alleged amount and then i can say you "ok. go for it if you want" or "save your money, we can't do it".Jean, give us a paypal or other form of web payment so I can kick of the donation bus for you :D as soon as you do I'll tip some sites to spark more interest.
Jean, I'm not sure if you can do this but I'll ask any how. Can you enable debugging in your Input driver so that it will write info to a file on the MS? I'm trying to figure out still how to get the Keyboard to work with PSPWRITE and PSPSSH.
:( I wish I could code. I'm trying to teach myself but I'm not getting anywhere.
On a side note everyone. I have a PSP slim interface cable already mapped out. I'm just messing with power now. I would like to let you all know by the end of the day if I get it to work on the slim...
:( I wish I could code. I'm trying to teach myself but I'm not getting anywhere.
On a side note everyone. I have a PSP slim interface cable already mapped out. I'm just messing with power now. I would like to let you all know by the end of the day if I get it to work on the slim...
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Just to summarize the current status of the OKP:
- keyboard does work with SIO in homebrew whch are loading the sio.prx, on both Fat and Slim
- Power via Remote control plug is off even if SIO connection is plugged to keyboard and sio plugin cannot work with PSP OSK, Browser (like pikeyIR.prx)
- GoMessenger doesn't work with IR keyboard (on Fat) neither with wired chatpad keyboard as other embedded applications
- PSPLINK shell works perfectely...
- All applications like DOSBOX, Emulators, PSPWrite etc... need to integrate loading sio.prx for working with chatpad keyboard
New Attempts:
- in order to mantain the power on to HPRM connection, what about to derive the 4-wire VCC, GND, TX, RX not directly from PSP without HPRM but from the remote contol itself in parallel? PSP should recognize it and power on the interface, and keyboard should work in parallel with Headset and Microphone too.....
I'm going to try this way.
- keyboard does work with SIO in homebrew whch are loading the sio.prx, on both Fat and Slim
- Power via Remote control plug is off even if SIO connection is plugged to keyboard and sio plugin cannot work with PSP OSK, Browser (like pikeyIR.prx)
- GoMessenger doesn't work with IR keyboard (on Fat) neither with wired chatpad keyboard as other embedded applications
- PSPLINK shell works perfectely...
- All applications like DOSBOX, Emulators, PSPWrite etc... need to integrate loading sio.prx for working with chatpad keyboard
New Attempts:
- in order to mantain the power on to HPRM connection, what about to derive the 4-wire VCC, GND, TX, RX not directly from PSP without HPRM but from the remote contol itself in parallel? PSP should recognize it and power on the interface, and keyboard should work in parallel with Headset and Microphone too.....
I'm going to try this way.
Place a jLog("someVitalDbugInfo"); anywhere you need (use sprintf or something similar to format numbers)Can you enable debugging in your Input driver so that it will write info to a file on the MS? I'm trying to figure out still how to get the Keyboard to work with PSPWRITE and PSPSSH.
For Homebrew support, it's very unlikely you succed in making chatpad work with something that doesn't support it unless you recompile it.
DON'T FEEL LONELY...i'm looking various ways to widen support to my little keyboard...
- SIO power is on if you plug chatpad in BEFORE driver starts (i.e. on psp power on or reset)
- it works PERFECTLY on sony's OSK (but on browser it seems quite lost to be honest)
-pikeyIR is an INPUT driver, on browser pikey somwtimes fails due to OUTPUT driver
I'm working on:
-scancode advanced driver (pikey input driver)
-recompilation of most famous homebrews to enable openKeyboard (direct or through pikey stub) support
-pikey output driver to fake PSPrint presses (to use on dosbox and in other older hb)
-pspirkeyb fake driver
PS: do NOT try to make chatpad work "in parallel" with original's only a mess with signals...solution is on psp side and i'm looking for it
I have the pin outs and half of it wired but been to busy to finish it. Since all of my testing has been on a Phat running 4.1 Without the 1.5 Kernel I doubt there will be any software problems. Only other thing that could cause an issue is the voltage. The Phat SIO port outputs 2.6 volts and the Slim does 1.6. If the 1.6 does not power the chatpad then I will need to build a simple charge pump (Thanks to a great friend I have the scmats for that already). So I think it should work!!!
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Actually, because of the way charge-pump is implemented, ChatPad seems to produce 5v for its internal circuitry not depending on the input voltage. So our problem is power, V*A. As long as current remains at decent rates everything should work fine....but....since now i was almost certain that some of you did some test on i realize this is not correct, right? Anyone has made this thing work on slim?Only other thing that could cause an issue is the voltage
Sorry for delay in answering, according to your instructions, I've set up chatpad with both my Fat and Slim since many days and it works fine, but may be you are asking if it works with pikey/sio plugin as IR (just switching connections as you well know...).jean wrote:Anyone has made this thing work on slim?
I've not yet tested SioPlugin and pikey 0.4 on Slim, as well I do not use it, but I'll do it sooner or later.
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- Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:12 am
All I have tested the chatpad on both my Phat PSP and my Slim. Jean the chatpad works the same as it does on the slim as the Phat. I can use the Sony OSK and the Danzff OSK in AFKIM only. All other apps I have tried to use the kbd for fail.mypspdev wrote:Sorry for delay in answering, according to your instructions, I've set up chatpad with both my Fat and Slim since many days and it works fine, but may be you are asking if it works with pikey/sio plugin as IR (just switching connections as you well know...).jean wrote:Anyone has made this thing work on slim?
I've not yet tested SioPlugin and pikey 0.4 on Slim, as well I do not use it, but I'll do it sooner or later.
I will be posting a Video tonight...
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PSP Phat and Slim Open Keyboard in action!!!!!
Hey all talk a look at my Chatpad connected to my PSP Phat and Slim. Thanks Jean for this great project
My PSP’s are running CFW 4.01 M33-2. Text input is a breeze and it works with the Sony OSK (on screen keyboard) and the Danzeff OSK under AFKIM. It does not work with PSPWrite and other ZX-81 applications because they are not compiled to do so but Jean is working on a compatible drive to make them work natively. Also I forgot to mention in the Video that there is headphone pass through. When you first turn on the PSP even with the keyboard plugged in the PSP speakers still play sound. However when you want the sound to go to the headphone port you just need to press one of the Volume buttons.
Jean have you ported any other homebrew applications to use the keyboard.... If not, can I ask you to mess with PSPssh from ZX-81? Also Jean thank you so much!!!!
Hey all talk a look at my Chatpad connected to my PSP Phat and Slim. Thanks Jean for this great project
My PSP’s are running CFW 4.01 M33-2. Text input is a breeze and it works with the Sony OSK (on screen keyboard) and the Danzeff OSK under AFKIM. It does not work with PSPWrite and other ZX-81 applications because they are not compiled to do so but Jean is working on a compatible drive to make them work natively. Also I forgot to mention in the Video that there is headphone pass through. When you first turn on the PSP even with the keyboard plugged in the PSP speakers still play sound. However when you want the sound to go to the headphone port you just need to press one of the Volume buttons.
Jean have you ported any other homebrew applications to use the keyboard.... If not, can I ask you to mess with PSPssh from ZX-81? Also Jean thank you so much!!!!
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- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:21 am
awesome project... can this work with the PS3?
will you guys try to get this working with the PS3?
now that would be WICKEDDDDDDDD... since the madcatz ps3 thumbpad is really crappy and sony is taking forever to release theirs.
is this possible???
now that would be WICKEDDDDDDDD... since the madcatz ps3 thumbpad is really crappy and sony is taking forever to release theirs.
is this possible???
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:21 am
to jean and others...
that is alright jean... maybe someone can be inspired by your mods and make it work for the PS3??? :)
what about those old motorola iden mini keyboards that people used with their cell phones?
will they be hard to mod? they are petty cheap on the net nowdays, you can get them for uner $10 bucks. the only thing is that they have a proprietary motorola connector, so that would need to be modded for sure.
here is a pic of one...
what about those old motorola iden mini keyboards that people used with their cell phones?
will they be hard to mod? they are petty cheap on the net nowdays, you can get them for uner $10 bucks. the only thing is that they have a proprietary motorola connector, so that would need to be modded for sure.
here is a pic of one...

Re: awesome project... can this work with the PS3?
You'd need to reprogram the PIC on it to do USB as that's the only port you have available on all PS3s.iPostNak3d wrote:will you guys try to get this working with the PS3?
now that would be WICKEDDDDDDDD... since the madcatz ps3 thumbpad is really crappy and sony is taking forever to release theirs.
is this possible???
I bought a logitech wireless headset for Xbox for 9€:

I managed to hack this little beauty to work for an arbitrary analog I/O like PSP audio in/out. So i was wondering about integration in my chatPad (restricted power supply allowing that)... not really a must have and - again - not an hack for everyone, but i'm sure modders will love it...
PS: no, i'm not paid from microsoft to publicize the hackability of their prodcts, but i have to admit i'm starting to love xbox accessories!! ;)

I managed to hack this little beauty to work for an arbitrary analog I/O like PSP audio in/out. So i was wondering about integration in my chatPad (restricted power supply allowing that)... not really a must have and - again - not an hack for everyone, but i'm sure modders will love it...
PS: no, i'm not paid from microsoft to publicize the hackability of their prodcts, but i have to admit i'm starting to love xbox accessories!! ;)
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- Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:34 am
- Location: FLL
Open Keyboard Project
Jean, I was hopping if you Could make a tuto on how to PSP Slim 360 Chatpad firmware flashing and the hardware Dev. I am new to forums and I want to contribute. I just to start some where. My dream Hack is PSP touchScreen. I have two PSP one Fat and one Slim Soon I will have a the 3000.
Please reply