Why Is My Program Stuttering Instead of Playing Smoothly?

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Why Is My Program Stuttering Instead of Playing Smoothly?

Post by wicked.fable »

I am creating a program for timing speedsolves (solving Rubik's Cubes or other such puzzles fast) that, as of now, can save your times and lets you switch between different categories of solving such as One-Handed, Speed, or Blindfolded while allowing you to save an inddividual time for each category. The program was running very smoothly until, it seems, I added the feature to switch categories. Now, for example, when the timer runs it stutters instead of progressing smoothly. I have searched but I really do not have any real idea as to what I should search to find out why this is happening. Could someone help me out? The code is below.


Code: Select all

System.usbDiskModeActivate ()

white = Color.new (255,255,255)
black = Color.new (0,0,0)
red = Color.new (255,0,0)
lime = Color.new (128,255,0)

fontcherl = Font.load ("cherl.ttf")
fontcherl:setPixelSizes (72,72)

fontcherl2 = Font.load ("cherl.ttf")
fontcherl2:setPixelSizes (28,28)

fontcheri = Font.load ("CHERI.ttf")
fontcheri:setPixelSizes (36,36)

fonttrashco = Font.load ("trashco.ttf")
fonttrashco:setPixelSizes (48,48)

category =  {}
category[1] = {c = "One-Handed Solve"}
category[2] = {c = "Speed Solve"}
category[3] = {c = "Blindfolded Solve"}
categorynumber = 2

categoryrecord = "ss"

counter = Timer.new ()
counter:stop ()

background = Image.createEmpty (480,272)
background:clear (white)

function timerControls ()
if categorynumber == 1 then
categoryrecord = "oh"

if categorynumber == 2 then
categoryrecord = "ss"

if categorynumber == 3 then
categoryrecord = "bld"

if counter:time () > 600000 then
counter:reset (0)

if pad:cross () then
counter:stop ()

if pad:square () then
counter:stop ()
counter:reset (0)

if pad:triangle () then
file = io.open ("record"..categoryrecord..".txt","w")
file:write (currentTime)
file:close ()

if pad&#58;r &#40;&#41; and categorynumber < 3 then
categorynumber = categorynumber + 1

if pad&#58;l &#40;&#41; and categorynumber > 1 then
categorynumber = categorynumber - 1

if pad&#58;r &#40;&#41; and pad&#58;l &#40;&#41; and counter&#58;stop &#40;&#41; then
counter&#58;reset &#40;0&#41;
counter&#58;start &#40;&#41;

while true do 
screen&#58;clear &#40;&#41;

screen&#58;blit &#40;0,0,background&#41; 

currentTime = counter&#58;time &#40;&#41; / 1000

file = io.open &#40;"record"..categoryrecord..".txt","r"&#41;
record = file&#58;read &#40;"*n"&#41;
file&#58;close &#40;&#41;

screen&#58;fontPrint &#40;fonttrashco,140,50,"cWatch",lime&#41;
screen&#58;fontPrint &#40;fontcherl2,140,80,category&#91;categorynumber&#93;.c,black&#41;
screen&#58;fontPrint &#40;fontcherl,140,136,currentTime,black&#41;
screen&#58;fontPrint &#40;fontcherl2,60,200,"Personal Record&#58;",black&#41;
screen&#58;fontPrint &#40;fontcheri,300,200,record,black&#41;

pad = Controls.read &#40;&#41;

timerControls &#40;&#41;

screen.waitVblankStart &#40;&#41;
screen.flip &#40;&#41;

if pad&#58;start &#40;&#41; then
EDIT: The activation of the USB connection is just to help me revise the code faster. It has no use in the actual program. The program also does not recognize when I press a button right away. Sometimes it takes several tries before it realizes I am pressing a button.
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