Hey guy's,
I can't seem to get my head around some adhoc scaning for luaplayerHM.
This is the function so far
void scanadhoc(int *length,void *buf)
struct SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo *scaninfo;
/** Scan info structure */
sceNetAdhocctlGetScanInfo (length, buf);
It compiles well and when called it runs fine but i cant seem to get the adhoc list (the list of availabe adhoc networks to show)
PS and help would be great.
I think you put this in the wrong section, but dont worry about it homemister I'll work on it. I have an example I made with the help of BlackPhoenix's(I think thats his name) example. I'll work on it whenever you send me the updated source
Enlighten me, Reveal my fate -- Follow - Breaking Benjamin
Hello guy
I try to programm an adhoc connection and I'm block too on this function :
How can it fill the Scan info structure ??? If you have found the solution answer me (mail, MP, post reply...)please please please
I know i'm not so far of the aim !