Here it is, the long waited for subtitle addon for jonnys famous PMP Mod and his new PMP Mod AVC.
Thanks to jonny for his help.
All Bugreports/Feature requests and alike should go to the dedicated devthread here: ... highlight=
Newest version is dedicated to malloc, and therefore labeled "*M malloc revival". Hope you remember him ;)
Here’s what’s new:
- fixed rightmost cutting bug with newest FontGen 0.4+ fonts
- fixed clipping bug in glyph blitter
- fixed crash bug when trying to play non-avc videos
- fixed uppercase bug in filelist
- fixed non-showing subtitles bug when playing a short part twice in a row
- added file sorting, subtitles and files are ordered by filename now, rather than creation time
- added USB connection in filelist
- added filesize/modification time display in filelist
- added video information display (resolution, codec, fps, duration)
- added resume function (start with O to skip resume)
- added saving and loading of playback settings (audio stream, aspect, zoom, lumi/volume boost, subtitle/color)
- added display of number of found subtitles
- added file deletion function (SELECT)
- changed sensitivity of buttons in filelist, fast scrolling only after pressing button 1/3 second
These additions are also about to be added to the standard version PMP Mod 2.02, however, there were some problems which have to be fixed first. So stay tuned.
Along with this release comes yet another version of FontGen, which adds back all Windows codepages from 1250-1258. This was neccessary, because some of the ISO8859 fonts weren’t compatible with subtitles generated in windows and led to wrong output of the subtitles (cyrillic for example).
PMP Mod 2.02b/PMP Mod AVC 1.02b
- based on jonnys 2.02 source with all improvements
- support for SubRip (.srt) subtitles
- asian language subtitles supported (japanese,korean,trad. chinese) [not highly tested, due to my lack of knowledge of these languages - please let me know if there are problems]
- support for up to 8 different subtitles per video (switch them during playback with CROSS+LEFT TRIGGER)
- change subtitle font and border color with CROSS+SQUARE and CROSS+CIRCLE
- file list is filtered to *.pmp files
- change CPU speed before playback (RIGHT TRIGGER in file list)
- ISO8859 fonts included in the release
- fixed a bug, which did not clear the black bars on 4:3 or widescreen stretch aspect ratios correctly, leading to overdrawing subtitles
UPDATE: FontGenerator has been updated to include support for generating ISO8859 as well as asian fonts. Usage is as before, click "Select a Font", select your font face, style and size (script/codepage as well as color is disregarded, so you don't need to select these). Press "Select a file" and chose a path to where to save the font. Finally, choose the charmap you want to use from the dropdown and press "Generate".
The "save bitmap" checkbox is for previewing the font texture (can also be used to generate a texture for your own font engine :P), be sure though that with asian languages, you will get 30-50 bitmaps.
For Version 0.3 I completely rewrote the font border rendering in the FontGenerator tool, yielding much better quality and also adds support for arbitrary sized borders. To do that, use the FontGenerator tool as before, but specify the border and blur factors in the edit fields. A border size of 1.5 and a blur factor of 0.3 seems to give overall good results. You can use a border size of 1.0 and blur 0 to get close to the old style. Border sizes above 2.0 and blur factors over 1.5 are generally not recommended, as these will probably lead to clipped and displaced characters.
Version 0.5 now fixes the character spacing 'bug' introduced with the new border rendering engine, and also includes support for GB-18030 characterset as well as loading your own charactersets from UCM files, which you can get from here: ... /data/ucm/
Fonts generated from UCM files (like all default asian languages) will default your subtitle input method to UTF-8, so either convert your subtitles to UTF-8 format or change input method during playback with CROSS+SELECT.
I also updated all asian font files with the new tool, so redownload if you want to try :)
Here is a screenshot of the new colored fonts, also showing japanese output:

Also note, that since we now have a working downgrader for 2.6, I don't provide any further updates on the 2.0+ version, unless I get enough feedback that it is still wanted. Version 2.01 for 2.0+ will still be available though.
- more accurate character placement (at least it looks really bad on asian languages)
Version 2.01 now also supports 2.0+ Firmwares with use of eLoader and both the GTA and TIFF exploit. This is a big step to let much more PSP owners enjoy the use of PMP Mod. Enjoy!
Many many thanks to tommydanger for his big help with getting this to work with the tiff exploit, too. This wouldn't have been possible without him most likely :)
Along with this I also have a new set of fonts available for download, that cover the whole region of ISO8859 charsets. So if you do not find a matching font in the release or just don’t know which one fits your needs, try with these fonts.
Here’s a listing of the fonts and their coverage:
ISO8859-1 Latin-1, Western European (Danish, Dutch (partial), English, Faeroese, Finnish (partial), French (partial), German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Albanian, Afrikaans and Swahili.)
ISO8859-2 Latin-2, Central European (Bosnian, Polish, Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, and Hungarian.)
ISO8859-3 Latin-3, South European (Turkish, Maltese, and Esperanto.)
ISO8859-4 Latin-4, North European (Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Greenlandic, and Sami.)
ISO8859-5 Latin, Cyrillic
ISO8859-6 Latin, Arabic
ISO8859-7 Latin, Greek
ISO8859-8 Latin, Hebrew
ISO8859-9 Latin-5, Turkish
ISO8859-10 Latin-6, Nordic
ISO8859-11 Latin, Thai
ISO8859-13 Latin-7, Baltic Rim
ISO8859-14 Latin-8, Celtic
ISO8859-15 Latin-9 (revision of 8859-1 including euro sign € and complete coverage of French, Finnish and Estonian.)
ISO8859-16 Latin-10, South-Eastern European (Albanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Slovenian, Finnish, French, German and Irish Gaelic (new orthography).)
For more information read on wikipedia.
I hope this covers all non-asian languages properly, though untested :)
Support for asian fonts is now also available, by downloading the appropriate font or generating your own with the updated font generator tool. Currently only UTF-8 encoded subtitles are supported for asian languages, if you get weird results, it's most likely because of that.
miniFAQ for PMP Mod 2.02 subtitle mod:
Q: What subtitle formats are supported?
A: Currently only MicroDVD (.sub) and SubRip (.srt) format are supported, but more will probably follow.
Q: How much do subtitles affect performance of PMPMOD?
A: In a series of benchmarks with jonnys own benchmark code, it showed that subtitles will decrease the average fps by 0.3 at most.
Q: That's cool, but how do you do that?
A: Just some organized glyph caching in VRAM and my own fast glyph blitter.
Q: How do I change the codepage/charset/language?
A: Inside the PMPMOD folder are different font files for different languages. To change the language, simply rename the 'font10.f' to 'font10_old.f' or alike and rename the right font to 'font10.f'.
If you want to display hebrew subtitles for example, rename 'font10_iso8859_8.f' to 'font10.f'
Q: Why so complicated?
A: Because it's simpler for me :) and because most users most likely only need to do this step once, so this shouldn't be a problem. A possibility to choose language in the program will follow later.
Q: What about other languages?
A: Each font file holds a charset of one or more Unicode pages, ie 256 chars. The file is generated from Windows fonts using a small tool. So if you have a font installed with your charset, you can create your own font file. Currently it's possible to save all ISO-8859 charsets, as well as SHIFT-JIS, UNI-HAN and BIG5.
Q: Does this also work on 2.0 with tiff exploit?
A: PMP Mod 2.01 works on Firmwares 2.0+, yes. Thanks to tommydanger this now also works with the tiff exploit.
Q: What's the difference between FW2.0+ and FW1.5 versions?
A: The speed. The FW2.0+ version cannot use the ME to do the heavy idct needed by the decoder, and even though some vfpu optimizations have been applied it stands in no competition against the ME version. I found the average speed drop to be around 8-9fps, yet it is enough to playback high quality anime episodes smoothly. It should also be possible to playback 768kbit encodings minimum smoothly, however I didn't benchmark that.
Q: Arrrrgggg.... where is the (nice) GUI?!
A: Lost in space. No. It's not included because it will get completely rewritten from scratch with better skinning support, a option screen and nice graphics and fonts.
Q: When will it be done?
A: When it's done.
PMP Mod AVC 1.02M:
Firmware 1.5:
PMP Mod 2.02b:
Firmware 1.5:
PMP Mod 2.01:
Firmware 2.0+:
All versions:
ISO8859 fonts (included in new releases)
Shift-JIS font (japanese)
Uni-Han font (korean)
BIG5 font (trad. chinese)
GB-18030 font (trad. & simp. chinese)
Font Generator 0.6(win)