PCB Ver. : TA-082
CPU Core : CXD2967GG
Media Engine : CXD5026-203GG
yes ^o^dot_blank wrote:um...what do you mean by you cannot paste :P
im assuming you mean reflash the nand with an
older firmware ....and that hardware does not allow
sorrymoonlight wrote:0okm0000, interesting program the 1.00 backup and restorer :)
Just tried the backup one in my 1.50 :D But obviously i wont try the restorer, i'm not that suicidal yet.
 This is NOT a Downgrade Program
 This Program just for FW1.00 User to Backup & Restore their FW1.00
 安全出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/
 安全出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/
 非常出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/
 To sacrifice yourself. Experimental. Extremely dangerous.
 No warranty. Use on your own risk and responsibility.
 Anything may happen. We recommend you to avoid seeing/downloading/using this.
 Emergency exit -> http://www.playstation.jp/psp/
 * this CAUTION copy from SEC(nem) :p
How-To :
 Restore Your FW1.00 to "Default Setting"
 Use FW1.00B(FW1.00 Backup Tools) to Backup Your FW1.00
 Update Your PSP to FW1.50
 Use FW1.00R(FW1.00 Restore Tools) to Restore Your PSP to FW1.00
 Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: Power NOT Online or Battery NOT Exist or BatteryLife < 50%" ?
 A : When you Restore Your PSP FW, you need to Connect the AC adaptor & with BatteryLife > 50%,
   Otherwise the Tools will Terminate.
 Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: BadBlock find, Terminate" ?
 A : Because this Tools NOW not support NAND Flash had BadBlock, so the Tools will Terminate.
 Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: FW Data NOT Matched" ?
 A : Because this Tools just for Backup & Restore your own PSP with FW1.00,
   so you can't use other PSP's DATA.
Extract Password is : I agree use this program at My own RISK!
Yes, i know, but anyways i wanted to test the nand dumper :)0okm0000 wrote:sorrymoonlight wrote:0okm0000, interesting program the 1.00 backup and restorer :)
Just tried the backup one in my 1.50 :D But obviously i wont try the restorer, i'm not that suicidal yet.
this program now just for fw1.00
if you havn't your own fw1.0 data the restorer will not work ^^
Make a Downgrader with Unofficial NAND Flash Write is Very Very Dangerous !!Alcahest wrote:I don't understand.
After backing up firmware 1.00 and flashing firwmare 1.50.
Then basically the PSP will become like any other 1.50 PSPs will it not?
In this case, why wouldn't anyone with a 1.50 be able to downgrade?
Sorry for trying to see deep into this but I have a PSP 1.00 and I'm highly interested in this tool but am a bit afraid to be the guinea pig. ^^;;