Block can be moved to the left or to the right.
When no block in under the current block, the block falls down.
Once all the blocks are gone, you've solved the level and you're presented with a new level to solve.
You can only access the next level when the current one is solved.
Vexed was created by James McCombe (Vexed at for the Palm OS.
Any kind of feedback is welcome, send an email to this address: [email protected] for luaplayer for standalone 1.50 version for standalone 1.00 version
All are containing the application, three themes and all (19) level packs
In all screens:
Start: Exit the program, use Home in standalone application
In the game screen:
D-Pad: move the cursor or the selected block
X: Select / Deselect a block
O: Undo the last block move (Please note that no block will be with status selected after an Undo)
[]: Retry current level
^: Show all available levels of the current level pack
The best score done for the level is displayed at the left of the level name
R: Show all available level packs
L: Show all available themes
In the selection screen: (levels, level packs, themes)
up and down: select the line
left and right: page down and up
X: Validate selection
O: Cancel
Changelogs in v1.0
- Remove all not needed unmovable blocks
- Keep the selection if by moving a block other blocks have disappeared
- Code cleanup
- Added all available level packs
- Better GUI
- Improved the graphics on the two available themes (default and second)
- Added one more theme (jewels)
- Vexed can be played as standalone application (without luaplayer being installed)