I know, Pong is admittedly a bit of a n00bish topic for a game, but it's simple and more than anything gave me a goal to connect all my doodlings together for, as such it only took a day to write, hopefully its polished enough.
If anyone has any feedback I'd like to know, particularly re non 1.0 PSPs, as I've not got an upgraded one to test on.
Exciting Features:
:: 2 Players on one PSP
:: Twiddly bits: Points / Balls Spin / Ball Acceleration / Player Speed
:: Futuristic AI (for "futuristic", read "basic":))
:: Attract mode
:: 1-Bit Colour
:: ROCK STEADY Framerate @ 600 FPS. ish.
:: Silent operation (ie. I've not done the SFX yet)
:: Argument causing menu system for social gaming.
:: (I think I'm running out of exciting features to tell you about...)
:: Screenshot capability!
:: Erm, I think that's it.
Download it here