-All ODE source code in one folder, making changes easy
-Sample demonstrates setting up 3D world with textures and mipmapping
-Sample demonstrates dropping cubes onto a plane using ODE and it's integration with GU functions
-ODE source includes convex mesh source, but it is not linked because convex meshes are almost impossible to use because of their stability problems. Also, this reduces EBOOT size slightly.
-Sample currently runs using frame time as ODE parameters, this can make the framerate jump about, but keeps it as high as possible. Using the alternate method (fized timestep) gives a stable 40-60 FPS, whereas framerate timestep can give 30-100FPS.
-There is some commented out source code for arranging the blocks in a wall, rather than a tower. This is included for learning purposes, and needs tweaking to become stable.
-Sample includes helper functions that return a PSP matrix from an ODE body, making GU integration easy.
-Sample includes a Pause/Unpause simulation button to compare Framerates of ODE with purely graphical load. (And it makes for some fun bullet time effects)
Download link: www.anonymoustipster.com/ODEtest.zip

Someone suggested that this sample should go into SVN; I gather that there is a direct port of ODE already in SVN, but there are questions about it's compilability.
If Oopo, Oobles, or whoever co-ordinates SVN thinks it would be worthwhile to put this in SVN, then I'd love to hear from you.
Hope you find this interesting, AnonymousTipster.