I started with 3 Directories for Untold Legends
Inside each are the files
Tried to copy a directory and change the references in the file (PARAM.SFO) for the directory name but then you get a “Corrupted Data” Screen where the image should be.
I also tried to change just one letter in a text string that can be seen on the info next to the image of the game save. This also caused the “Corrupted Data” Screen.
So I tied to opened all of the files and resaved them to make sure there is not a timestamp being check. That was not an issue.
Then I wanted to make sure that the “Saved Data Utility” under game was not looking for the .bin file to compare with the .sfo file that I had changed. So I deleted the .bin file. When I went back into the save data utility the image for the save game loads and all of the text is there.
So next test is to start the game up and try and load the file. While at the in game load screen the save game shows up and the game nicely says that there is no data.
Next I said WTF I will delete all the files but keep the directory. The PSP OS still sees a save game so it must just be looking for directories. When I load the game I get a Corrupted Data screen just like the one on the PSP OS screen. I am now assuming that the PSP OS handles the entire file IO menu. The menu looks just like the one under the saved data utility.
I then opened a save game file in the game and then saved and exited.
I am differencing some files now more later…..
Anyone else have any info
Save Games
some images
Here is a difference of two save games (PARAM.SFO) where I loaded a game then saved in the game to a new file then exited.
The second image may be some type of key. What does everyone think??

The second image may be some type of key. What does everyone think??

The PARAM.SFO format was discussed extensively in this thread:
It includes code for parsing the data inside the file.
It includes code for parsing the data inside the file.
Yes, see http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=2218andy0482 wrote:thanks for the link but I have read all of the posts including that one.
I was more interested in hacking the rest of the file. Can anyone make a .SFO file run if they change some of the test in it?