The Offical Rules Of The Forums

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The Offical Rules Of The Forums

Post by ooPo »

*** This is a work in progress at the moment. ***

1) Any question, asked by any person, is allowed as long as it doesn't involve asking for information about illegal/questionable activities such as modchip development or copyright circumvention. These forums exist to create a shared information archive - we don't want to exclude anyone who is willing to share.

2) Flames will be deleted on sight. For the pedantic among us, a flame is any comment that may be considered insulting while containing no useful information other than that flame. You can take a small jab at someone, but make sure its backed up with substance. Like a memory map or something.

*** More to come... ***
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Notice! Warez tools

Post by mrbrown »

Any posts that mention, advertise, or otherwise promote tools for PS2 game copyright infringement, whether it's HD Loader, Swap Magic, or whatever, will be promptly deleted by yours truly.

If you repeat I will ban you.
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Post by mrbrown »


Instead of just deleting errant posts: if it's from a first time (or someone with 2 or 3 posts) poster I will ban them and delete their account along with deleting the post. I think it's fair as it's blazingly obvious what this forums rules are, and it's unlikely that someone who's first post is about running games off the HDD will come back to ask for legitimate development info.

I've done this today with the juliox guy who signed up today to ask about our "tools".
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Post by ooPo »

This seems fair enough for a policy on posting of jobs, from Oobles:
From the start of, there has been one over-riding aim in building the commnity and web site and everything that goes on it. Make sure its open and above board. The community is about sharing information publicly and opennly.

In the same way, I am happy to have job advertisements placed in forums. On the condition that they represent a real specific job, with full contact details of the company, or the company attempting to recruit.

Please don't post recruitment messages unless you feel you can release information about the specific jobs you are attempting to recruit for, or direct links to your company website or email address.

I have worked in the IT industry long enough to know that multiple recruitment companies often have the same job. They also often re-advertise jobs advertised by real companies without being asked. They also advertise jobs just to catch candidates into their database when no real job is available. This leads to issues of trust and secrecy which only gives IT recuitment a worse name. I recognise that your advertising tactics are built on this stack of lies and deceipt of the industry. However, as a closed community we have the benefit of not having to accept this as normal behaviour. So, to reiterate:

Job Advertising is fine when a real job is being described with contact details of a company, including web site and email address are provided.

Any further discussion can take place in the actual thread:
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Post by ooPo »

On the topic of making easier ways to boot, from Gorim:
This topic comes up often in these forums, people who are experimenting
in homebrew, just starting out, often want or ask for easier methods to
boot the ps2 up, that require less work.

Usually in order to do this, requires a method that very easily could be
used to played warez backup games.

While serious ps2dev'ers would normally want easier methods as well,
they are selective in which methods are considered acceptable. Many
people do not seem to understand this.

Simply "I don't want to warez, I just want it to be easier for me, I am not
going to use it for warez" is not a good enough statement or motivation
to overcome this reluctance. Serious ps2dev'ers would rather take more
effort to bootup their projects than make warezing trivial. Serious ps2devers
are not going to be persuaded by people who make statements such
as what I quoted/paraphrased above. For serious ps2dev'ers, a little
extra effort is no big deal.

So for people who want it to be easier, please seriously consider what you
are asking. There might be ways to make it easier and still maintain the
values of the community. If one is found, there will be serious interest

Just my two cents. The previous topic was locked, but I wanted to say
something to a recurring theme amongst these forums, without trying
to re-open that specific topic.

Any further discussion can take place in the actual thread:
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Posts: 2023
Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:56 am
Location: Canada

Post by ooPo »

While we appreciate the help and support of our users... if you are not a moderator please do not make policy for the forums by telling people what they can and cannot talk about. We have a group of people with the power to moderate across many timezones and they can handle the job themselves around the clock. Having too many people hop in and tell a user something is wrong just confuses the user and anyone else reading the thread.

As discussed many times before, the rules for what can and cannot be discussed here aren't set in stone and are considered on a case-by-case basis - usually with discussion between moderators in order to present a consistent response. Having a user do this on his or her own without our input just leads to confusion. Please don't do it.

That is all.

Post by Guest »

From time to time, in the course of experimenting in the line of dev, someone might damage or destroy their console.

Some unscrupulous individuals will then abuse the return policy of various stores, sometimes repeatedly, in order to avoid taking responsibility for their lack of care.

These same people occasionally suggest this course of action to others who are stuck with damaged goods by their own carelessness.

This will not be tolerated on these boards. Discussions alongs the lines of "But its not really wrong...they let you do it" is besides the point, and also will not be tolerated.

Encouraging unethical action, regardless of how much someone else bends over to let you do it, is still against the rules of the forums.

Violators are likely to be banned, especially if they attempt to defend their suggestions/actions in response to a warning, assuming one was nice enough to not ban them outright.
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