Low RAM (32Megs of system memory with only 24Megs avaluable for programms) was the bottleneck of the PSP-100X, that left no chance to port such huge games as Quake 3 to PSP, but now i can't find any reason, that makes Quake 3 port for the PSP-Slim (only) impossible!
McZonk's Quake-2 PSP port seems to run full singleplayer game on Slim too... :rolleyes:
So, does Slim has 56 free megs of the user memory (64 system - 8 Mb kernel memory)?
I've posted this once at the qj forums, just copy-paste here:
I already have a portable Quake 3 on my PocketPC (Dell Axim x51v) - Q3 was ported to WinCE in 2005 by NoctenWare (port is called Q3CE), it features both software and hw rendering (uses OpenGL-ES) - runs at ~15 average FPS on my x51v with max graphics (hardware rendering)... and it's package contains very interisting thing for us - pakconvert tool whitch reduces content in Quake3 *.PAK files: downsizes textures & gfx(2x), level & model geometry, converts sounds and videos to save RAM & increase perfomance - after running pakconvert scripts, main PAK0.PAK downsizes from 450 to 117 Megs and Q3CE runs on PPCs with only 36Mb free RAM! Also, Q3CE partitions memory automaticly, instead of original Q3 (and com_hunkMegs & com_zoneMegs commands do not work in it...).
This is how Q3CE accelerated runs on my PPC:

(Q3DM3 map, 2 bots deathmatch, max graphics (but downsized data), 19 FPS at the moment)
Unfortunetly, NoctemWare website (noctemware.com) is currently dead, but you can find some info about Q3CE on it's offical forum:
Yesterday I've spoken to the Q3CE developer and asked him for the source code. Here are the latest q3ce v1.1b sources: