well, after getting my v1.52 psp a few days ago and getting my downgrade files from here following the instructions to setup cygwin, and toolchain from
here and then finally attempting my first app instructed here , I get an error 80020001 when tring to run this eboot or any other i've tried.
edit : one more detail, the update v1.5 firmware is the japanese version, but i read somewhere that it was the same as us version. perhaps its not when considering homebrew?
edit2 : found sei tool here, use this to export your eboot's to your psp :D - thanks weltall
getting error 80020001 for first 'hello world' app? :(
getting error 80020001 for first 'hello world' app? :(
Last edited by Stellar on Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:19 am, edited 3 times in total.

that tutorial doesn't tell you that you need to do some modifycations to the EBOOT and standard folder structure to make applications work on 1.5.
to make the right folder you need to write make kxploit and not make you'll find two folder, put them into PSP/GAME and the application will start. you can also use application like kxploit or seipsptools if you want
to make the right folder you need to write make kxploit and not make you'll find two folder, put them into PSP/GAME and the application will start. you can also use application like kxploit or seipsptools if you want