does anyone know where i can find a sprite tuturial because i'm new to spriting and the gu. although the concept of sprites is simple i need to know how to do it any ideas
edit: and what about animated sprites i'm thinking of using psprtc to get this done but not exactly sure how to implement so i'm thinking on it before it get to it but any ideas would also be great here
pspgu Sprite Tuturial
Re: pspgu Sprite Tuturial
Just update the image every frame.coolkehon wrote:does anyone know where i can find a sprite tuturial because i'm new to spriting and the gu. although the concept of sprites is simple i need to know how to do it any ideas
edit: and what about animated sprites i'm thinking of using psprtc to get this done but not exactly sure how to implement so i'm thinking on it before it get to it but any ideas would also be great here
If you mean GU_SPRITE (or something)... that is just how you can draw a rectangle. You only have to pass 2 vertices.
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int main(){