i'm using c++ and when i declare a static variable in a class it sometimes looses its values.
most of the time when it happens when i'm using it to store a pointer and it crashes the psp most of the ime because i check to see if it is null and it isnt but it doesn't point to the right object anyone have any ideas why because this screw up singelton
Problem with Static Variables
couldn't use volatile with a static variable
Code: Select all
class Icon
static Text * iconText;
Text * Icon::iconText = NULL;
Icon::iconText = new Text(blah,blah);
uses text.
works for a while then stops randomly for no reason and crashes because pointer is not valied for some reason
crashes because the pointer is not null and it is not valid
You shouldn't declare an attribute as public, that violates encapsulation. I guess you're messing with the pointer and that's the result. Better declare the iconText attribute as private and access it through a method. Make sure this method manipulates rightly the attribute.
Anyway, I dont see why would you declare an attribute static. That's usually done for function's local variables, so they keep the value between calls.
Anyway, I dont see why would you declare an attribute static. That's usually done for function's local variables, so they keep the value between calls.
The Incredible Bill Gates wrote:The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers.
in this instance i declaired iconText static because i had a collection of icons and each would tell the text to change its text and center it. All icons were to use the same text i have since fixed this and given each a local variable pointing to this text. As for the singleton issue it still crashes and the _instance pointer is/was already private