Problem with code

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Problem with code

Post by Dariusc123456 »

Hey everyone

I have a problem with a code i made to pack different files into one. Well, its not about the packing, its about reading the data on the file. Awhile back, J.F. told me that the bytes might need to be swap in order for it to be read properly. Well I done all i could - Including remaking the reading part of the code, but no luck. I am hoping that someone here can help me with this code.

Code: Select all

int pshnLoadSection(FILE *fd){
	int count = 0, cmd, len, size = 0;
	char *buf;
	if(ftell(fd) != 0){
		fseek(fd, 1, SEEK_CUR);
			//cmd = 0;
			fread(&cmd, 1, 4, fd);printf("%d %d\n", cmd, ftell(fd));
			if&#40;cmd <= 5&#41;&#123;
				printf&#40;"Command 0x%02x found at offset %d\n", cmd, ftell&#40;fd&#41;&#41;;
				if&#40;cmd == 0x01&#41;&#123;
					printf&#40;"Found section\n"&#41;;
					fread&#40;&len, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
					buf = malloc&#40;len&#41;;
					fread&#40;buf, 1, len, fd&#41;;
					section&#91;count&#93;.section = triplecryptReverse&#40;buf&#41;;
					len = 0;
				if&#40;cmd == 0x02&#41;&#123;
					count += 1;
				if&#40;cmd == 0x03&#41;&#123;
					printf&#40;"Filename found\n"&#41;;
					fread&#40;&len, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
					section&#91;count&#93;.filename = malloc&#40;len&#41;;
					fread&#40;section&#91;count&#93;.filename, 1, len, fd&#41;;
					printf&#40;"Filename&#58; %s\n", section&#91;count&#93;.filename&#41;;
		&#125;while&#40;ftell&#40;fd&#41; != 0 && cmd != 0xFFFFFFFF && cmd < 5&#41;;
	return 0;

The variable "cmd" is what use to read the different commands. Idk if its the loop, or what. If you remove "cmd != 0xFFFFFFFF && cmd < 5" then it will go into a complete loop. It anyone need me to post my full source, then I will. It will be greatfully helpful if anyone can help me solve this problem.

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Post by J.F. »

You STILL haven't mentioned what the source of the data is - what format it's supposed to be in, nor what machine it is produced on. Without the info, there's no way to know how the data should be parsed by the PSP.
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Post by Jim »

What you've posted so far looks like it will probably work, given a correctly formatted input stream and allocation of 'section'.
So, possibilities are
1) a mismatch between loader and saver
2) problem with the 'section' object
3) JF is probably saying that where you read 4 bytes into the cmd or len variables that the byte order might not be right - depends what system you are using to do the packing.

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Post by Dariusc123456 »

Im using windows xp.

Jim, what do you think I should do? I dont know if my computer is a big endian PC, but could it be the problem? Should I post my whole code to see if there's any problem? Its made for both the PC and PSP.
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Post by J.F. »

If it works on an x86 CPU based PC, then it won't be an endian problem on the PSP since they are both little endian.
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

Then why does it read large bytes then it should be reading small bytes on the PC?

I have a x86 PC. Like I told you before J.F., the packing works, its just the reading/loading part
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Post by Jim »

How do you know that if you can't unpack it?

If you post more code it might be possible to see the problem. And/or pack a couple of 1 byte files and post the hex for the packed file?

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Post by Dariusc123456 »

here is my whole code


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#include "pshn-img.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>


// Swap the bytes of an int for big-endian machines
static int swap_int&#40;int n&#41;
  return &#40;&#40;n>>24&#41;&0xff&#41;|&#40;&#40;n>>8&#41;&0xff00&#41;|&#40;&#40;n<<8&#41;&0xff0000&#41;|&#40;&#40;n<<24&#41;&0xff000000&#41;;


int fg;

	In future updates, the sections will have there own headers for the title, version, and data count.
	and within the future in version 1.05, everything such as file sections, and plan sections will have there own header

char *hexdec&#40;char *str&#41;&#123;
	char *string = malloc&#40;sizeof&#40;str&#41;&#41;;
	int i;
		sprintf&#40;string, "%02x", str&#91;i&#93;&#41;;
	return string;

int verifyHeader&#40;void&#41;&#123;
	char signature&#91;&#93;=&#123;0x50, 0x53, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x47&#125;;
	if&#40;!memcmp&#40;header.signature, signature, 6&#41;&#41;&#123;
		return 1;
	return 0;

void swapints&#40;int *array, int ndx1, int ndx2&#41;
    int temp = array&#91;ndx1&#93;;
    array&#91;ndx1&#93; = array&#91;ndx2&#93;;
    array&#91;ndx2&#93; = temp;

char *crypt&#40;const char *pszText, int iTextLen, const char *pszKey&#41;
    char *cipher;                       /* Output buffer                */
    int a, b, i=0, j=0, k;              /* Ambiguously named counters   */
    int ilen;                           /* Length of a string           */
    int sbox&#91;256&#93;;                      /* Encryption array             */
    int key&#91;256&#93;;                       /* Numeric key values           */

    ilen = strlen&#40;pszKey&#41;;

    for &#40;a=0; a < 256; a++&#41;
        key&#91;a&#93; = pszKey&#91;a % ilen&#93;;
        sbox&#91;a&#93; = a;

    for &#40;a=0, b=0; a < 256; a++&#41;
        b = &#40;b + sbox&#91;a&#93; + key&#91;a&#93;&#41; % 256;
        swapints&#40;sbox, a, b&#41;;

    cipher = &#40;char *&#41;malloc&#40;iTextLen&#41;;

    for &#40;a=0; a < iTextLen; a++&#41;
        i = &#40;i + 1&#41; % 256;
        j = &#40;j + sbox&#91;i&#93;&#41; % 256;
        swapints&#40;sbox, i, j&#41;;
        k = sbox&#91;&#40;sbox&#91;i&#93; + sbox&#91;j&#93;&#41; % 256&#93;;
        cipher&#91;a&#93; = pszText&#91;a&#93; ^ k;
    return cipher;

char * triplecrypt&#40;char *data&#41;&#123;
	char *string = malloc&#40;sizeof&#40;data&#41;&#41;;
		string = crypt&#40;data, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_1&#41;;
		string = crypt&#40;string, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_2&#41;;
		string = crypt&#40;string, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_3&#41;;
		return string;
char * triplecryptReverse&#40;char *data&#41;&#123;
	char *string = malloc&#40;sizeof&#40;data&#41;&#41;;
		string = crypt&#40;data, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_3&#41;;
		string = crypt&#40;string, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_2&#41;;
		string = crypt&#40;string, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_1&#41;;
		return string;

//#ifdef PC_ENABLE
int pshnInit&#40;FILE *fd, int flag&#41;&#123;
			case 0&#58;//read
				fread&#40;&header, 1, sizeof&#40;header&#41;, fd&#41;;
				return verifyHeader&#40;&#41;;
			case 1&#58;//write
				fg = 1;
				//memset&#40;&header, 0, sizeof&#40;header&#41;&#41;;
				char signature&#91;&#93;=&#123;0x50, 0x53, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x47&#125;;
				int i;
					header.signature&#91;i&#93; = signature&#91;i&#93;;
				header.version&#91;0&#93; = 0x01;
				return 1;
		return 0;

int pshnAddOptional&#40;FILE *fd, char firmware&#91;4&#93;, char title&#91;32&#93;, int mode,int key, int seed, int bytecode, int compress&#41;&#123;
		memcpy&#40;header.firmware, firmware, 4&#41;;
		memcpy&#40;header.title, title, strlen&#40;title&#41;&#41;;
		header.mode = mode;
		if&#40;key == 1&#41;&#123;
			header.key = 1;
			pshnGenerateKeyset&#40;seed+0x4C, header.keyset_1&#41;;
			pshnGenerateKeyset&#40;seed+0x3C, header.keyset_2&#41;;
			pshnGenerateKeyset&#40;seed+0x2C, header.keyset_3&#41;;
		header.bytecode = bytecode; //0 = nulll for now - bytecode use to execute commands built with your library
		header.compress = compress; //0 = null for now - compress use to compress files to a smaller rate for easyier storage
		fwrite&#40;&header, 1, sizeof&#40;header&#41;, fd&#41;;
		return 0;

int pshnGenerateKeyset&#40;int seed, char key&#91;128&#93;&#41;&#123;
		int i;
			key&#91;i&#93; = rand&#40;&#41; % 255;
			key&#91;i&#93; ^= seed & 128;
		return 0;

int pshnAddSection&#40;FILE *fd, char *section&#41;&#123;
		int secmd = 0x01;
		fseek&#40;fd, 1, SEEK_CUR&#41;;
		fwrite&#40;&secmd, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
		char *sC = malloc&#40;sizeof&#40;section&#41;&#41;;
		sC = crypt&#40;section, strlen&#40;section&#41;, header.keyset_1&#41;;
		sC = crypt&#40;sC, strlen&#40;sC&#41;, header.keyset_2&#41;;
		sC = crypt&#40;sC, strlen&#40;sC&#41;, header.keyset_3&#41;;
		int len = strlen&#40;sC&#41;;
		fwrite&#40;&len, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
		fwrite&#40;sC, 1, len, fd&#41;;
		return len;

int pshnAddFile&#40;FILE *fd, char *file&#41;&#123;
	int filecmd = 0x03;
	fseek&#40;fd, 1, SEEK_CUR&#41;;
	fwrite&#40;&filecmd, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
	int len = strlen&#40;file&#41;;
	fwrite&#40;&len, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
	fwrite&#40;file,1, len, fd&#41;;
	char *buf;
	FILE *in = fopen&#40;file, "rb"&#41;;
	fseek&#40;in, 0, SEEK_END&#41;;
	int size = ftell&#40;in&#41;;
	fseek&#40;in, 0, SEEK_SET&#41;;
	buf = malloc&#40;size&#41;;
	fread&#40;buf, 1, size, in&#41;;
	fwrite&#40;&size, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
	buf = crypt&#40;buf, size, header.keyset_3&#41;;
	fwrite&#40;buf, 1, size, fd&#41;;
	int endsec = 0x04;
	fwrite&#40;&endsec, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
	return 0;

int pshnLoadSection&#40;FILE *fd&#41;&#123;
	int count = 0, cmd, len, size = 0;
	char *buf;
	if&#40;ftell&#40;fd&#41; != 0&#41;&#123;
			fseek&#40;fd, 1, SEEK_CUR&#41;;
			//cmd = 0;
			fread&#40;&cmd, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
			if&#40;cmd <= 5&#41;&#123;
				printf&#40;"Command 0x%02x found at offset 0x%02x\n", cmd, ftell&#40;fd&#41;&#41;;
				if&#40;cmd == 0x01&#41;&#123;
					printf&#40;"Found section\n"&#41;;
					fread&#40;&len, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
					buf = malloc&#40;len&#41;;
					fread&#40;buf, 1, len, fd&#41;;
					section&#91;count&#93;.section = triplecryptReverse&#40;buf&#41;;
					len = 0;
					printf&#40;"Section Name&#58; %s\n", section&#91;count&#93;.section&#41;;
					count += 1;
					cmd = 0;
				if&#40;cmd == 0x03&#41;&#123;
					printf&#40;"Filename found\n"&#41;;
					fread&#40;&len, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
					section&#91;count&#93;.filename = malloc&#40;len&#41;;
					fread&#40;section&#91;count&#93;.filename, 1, len, fd&#41;;
					printf&#40;"Filename&#58; %s\n", section&#91;count&#93;.filename&#41;;
					cmd = 0;
		&#125;while&#40;ftell&#40;fd&#41; != 0 && cmd != 0xFFFFFFFF && cmd < 5&#41;;
		printf&#40;"PSHN Section Reader Exits\n"&#41;;
	return 0;
int pshnTerm&#40;FILE *fd&#41;&#123;
		if&#40;fg == 1&#41;&#123;
			int end = 0xFFFFFFFF;
			fwrite&#40;&end, 1, 4, fd&#41;;
		return fclose&#40;fd&#41;;

Code: Select all

   #include <stdio.h> 
   #define u8 unsigned char 
   #define u16 unsigned short 
   #define u32 unsigned int 

struct &#123; 
   char signature&#91;6&#93;;//PSHIMG 
   char version&#91;4&#93;;//1.00 
   char firmware&#91;4&#93;;//5.00 fw or use 0x00000000 for using on any firmware 
   char title&#91;32&#93;;//128 byte Title of the image &#40;for the game/app&#41; 
   int mode; //user = 0, kernel = 0x1000 &#40;use for future purposes only&#41; 
   int key;//0 for no encryption key, 1 for usage of encryption key &#40;XOR&#41; 
   //keysets for encryption/decryption purpose only &#40;xor encryption for now&#41; 
   char keyset_1&#91;128&#93;;//keyset 1 - 128 bytes 
   char keyset_2&#91;128&#93;;//keyset 2 - 128 bytes 
   char keyset_3&#91;128&#93;;//keyset 3 - 128 bytes 
   u8 hash&#91;20&#93;;//hash of the data after the header 
   u8 enHash&#91;20&#93;;//hash that was encrypted via xor 3 times using all 3 keys &#40;will be NULL if header.key = 0&#41; 
   int bytecode;//enable bytecode to use a bytecode like formate to parse and execute with your own code &#40;only on 1.01&#41; 
   int compress;//enable compression using zlib. 1 enable, else dont &#40;only on 1.01&#41; 
   int size;//size of the data after the header; 
&#125; header; 

struct section_data &#123; 
   char *section;//use to verify what files go where 
   char *filename; 
   char *buf;
   int size; 

struct var &#123;
	char *variable;
	char *content;

struct section_data section&#91;&#93;; 

struct var storage&#91;&#93;;
   int pshnInit&#40;FILE *fd, int flag&#41;; 
   int pshnAddOptional&#40;FILE *fd, char firmware&#91;4&#93;, char title&#91;128&#93;, int mode,int key, int seed, int bytecode, int compress&#41;; 
   int pshnGenerateKeyset&#40;int seed, char key&#91;128&#93;&#41;; 
   int pshnAddSection&#40;FILE *fd, char *section&#41;; 
   int pshnEndSection&#40;FILE *fd&#41;; 
   int pshnAddFile&#40;FILE *fd, char *file&#41;; 
   int pshnAddByteCode&#40;char bytecode&#91;4&#93;, int prem, int &#40;*handler&#41;&#40;int arg&#91;4&#93;, void *data&#41;&#41;; 
  // int pshnWriteByteCode&#40;FILE *fd, char bytecode&#91;4&#93;, int prem, int arg&#91;4&#93;, void *data&#41;;
   int pshnAddVariable&#40;char *var, void *content&#41;;
   int pshnLoadSection&#40;FILE *fd&#41;; 
   int pshnTerm&#40;FILE *fd&#41;; 
Last edited by Dariusc123456 on Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

Here is a testing file that have 1 section and 1 files (28 bytes) within it.

This is in hex

Code: Select all

50 53 48 49 4D 47 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 74 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 6F A1 68 1A 5C 6F DF 2E 9D 9D D4 A1 7F C8 5C 2E 4A BB 5B C4 FB 97 52 F7 25 36 9B 42 D6 CA 08 9A D2 4D AF 4C 24 CF A0 6A FE B3 E9 FE 0C 4A 75 68 FC 0F 72 93 90 8B 30 AD 95 1F 79 77 DA 0B A9 10 BF 88 5A 94 0A 65 27 19 D7 A4 03 46 5F 60 45 EA 3A CF 52 E2 DF 5F 72 9B 32 0D 54 40 F1 14 59 CA A8 81 BA 3F 12 69 CF BB DE 8E C4 E1 83 01 86 AC 6C 5B 25 95 EC 06 84 E2 F5 6A C8 9B 22 58 84 CC F1 AC A6 A5 0E 06 DE 59 1F 23 AA 05 43 00 9F 63 69 73 04 E5 E1 18 B4 88 FE D2 4D A2 3B F7 5F 8E EB E8 A5 81 4F F2 EC 33 A3 28 8E 4D D3 FE 3A D4 F4 2F 98 5B 85 E5 11 B4 E1 2C 55 1B 3B 29 B3 40 66 9C AC F0 A6 8E F1 BB 77 CA 33 B3 1B EC 12 4C F2 3A B7 F0 03 A3 F6 8A 23 8F 0C 8A 29 99 C5 D6 26 4F F7 BF 3A 01 30 FD 38 0A 94 42 59 74 DB 5D 7E 5A 63 81 E5 B9 26 83 A0 26 9A E0 95 BB F6 93 AC B7 15 F0 C7 9C 6D 84 A0 22 C0 25 47 7D A2 DB 48 2B 68 07 CB 98 D6 0D D8 6F FE CE 9F 25 29 1C 34 8F E7 B6 67 02 BD 77 30 0A 01 3A 4D 0E F1 CD 2C A8 AA E0 A5 B4 DB FB 54 3F 45 98 0B 2C 22 59 C3 EA 7F 91 C0 66 FA FA 75 DF 73 9B 0C 48 E0 7C 2D DD 1E F2 E5 F2 E5 6B FC 10 8F 5A FD C4 D4 14 23 06 52 A6 EF 35 82 B7 A7 33 C7 F2 0C C1 ED BA 0B 66 09 F1 5D B0 BC DC 6A AF 1B B8 A4 04 56 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 08 C2 68 38 00 03 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 74 65 73 74 2E 74 78 74 1C 00 00 00 EF 26 34 CB 9D 37 EB F5 38 2F A4 00 B2 E7 04 98 11 7C D4 84 1B B4 6A DF C3 C2 1B 1C FF FF FF FF
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

I think i got it working, but im not really sure. It reads the filename, but the size it read 4 bytes for each file in the package.
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Post by Jim »

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char * triplecryptReverse&#40;char *data&#41;&#123; 
   char *string = malloc&#40;sizeof&#40;data&#41;&#41;; 
      string = crypt&#40;data, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_3&#41;; 
      string = crypt&#40;string, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_2&#41;; 
      string = crypt&#40;string, strlen&#40;data&#41;, header.keyset_1&#41;; 
      return string; 
sizeof(data) will be 4 since data is a pointer. You need to pass in the length. strlen(data) will be the length of the data up to the first 0. I'm positive that's not what you want. These two functions are horridly broken and are tramping over memory.

Since this encryption offers no security at all, you should try removing it and seeing if that fixes some of your problems.

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Post by Dariusc123456 »

When I started out ont hsi project, I didnt use RC4 encryption. I use XOR or use use no encryption. But i was thinking of compressing the data, but i dont know the affect it will cause on the data it self.

I got everything fix up now abit now. Is there away to avoid memory leakage?
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Post by J.F. »

Dariusc123456 wrote:Is there away to avoid memory leakage?
Keep better track of your memory. :)
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

J.F. wrote:
Dariusc123456 wrote:Is there away to avoid memory leakage?
Keep better track of your memory. :)
I do, and will.
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Post by Jim »

Glad it's working. The encryption you are using isn't that great. Amongst the problems are
1) the algorithm isn't that hot.
2) applying a bad algorithm 3 times doesn't make it any more secure. Applying a *good* algorithm 3 times doesn't necessarily make it any more secure.
3) even if your algorithm was good you are publishing all your keys in the header of your file! Anyone with the source you just posted can decrypt any of your files.

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Post by Dariusc123456 »

Ha, who ever said i would keep the algorithm? Ill be using AES-128 & RSA very soon with this, but for now, its no problem.

Jim, all I have todo is change how things operate, but right now, nothing is not much of a threat because every file I make will be compress, encrypted, and signed. So even if someone was able to decrypt it, its no way of encrypting it without the private keys.
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