sorry to ask such a general question, but i know some of you have experience that you could share with me. Im basically looking for either a description, tutorial, or file format for animation models. I've looked into quake md2 format and It's not suitable for me. My models have too much data and Im looking for somthing that perhaps just stores rotations or matricies.
any help appreciated,
Animation format...
Doom3 might be too complex for the psp.LarryTM wrote:Did you check Doom3, Quake3 or Lightwave animation formats?
Quake3 MD3 format is esentualy MD2 but broken into an upper & lower body model.
Quake MD4 might work since they use bones. I also think maybe halflife model format might work since it also is bones.
There's always the old standby of .3DS or .MS3D (from 3D Studio Max or Milkshape 3D). Both can have bones. Also consider .x (Microsoft XOF).
Try my homebrew: Open Gladiator, Fur Trader, Skater Maze, Jafe's Hike, Jumping Jack
Try my homebrew: Open Gladiator, Fur Trader, Skater Maze, Jafe's Hike, Jumping Jack
yeah, i checked out md2 files, But I didnt like the way they did animation ( by storing verticies each frame ). Ill have to check out the doom3 format. Ill actually be using my own format, Im just not sure, to what guidelines, I should implement it. Im getting closer tho. Also, I started off using directx .x format.... all i can say is Yeacchhhh. I've never seen so much bloated data. I have a simple 2500 verticie model that was using 90 Megs of space in ram, just for that one instance of the model..... beware. Once I implemented my own format and model class, Its much more manageable, In the Kb range I believe. Thanks for the replies.
I also ordered [Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++] in hopes that it will cover everything I need.
I also ordered [Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++] in hopes that it will cover everything I need.