Hello all!
I'm wondering what is the maximum size of a texture... if I set it to more than 512 (either in width or height), the same pixel line or column will be repeated indefinitely (like an 1x1 texture).
Is there any possibility to use wider or higher textures? The goal is to emulate the GBA tilemap system; as 8x8 tiles are placed sequencially in VRAM, it could look like a 8 by X buffer where X is the number of tiles * 8. But here it makes a maximum of 512/8 tiles... not enough :-(
Thanks in advance and have an happy new year ;-)
Maximum texture size: 512x512?
Maximum texture size: 512x512?
Sorry for my bad english
Oldschool library for PSP - PC version released

Sorry, I didn't see this topic, thank you.
Anyways, as I want to draw a tilemap, I can't cut my rendering in multiple passes with offsets, because with 64 tiles (8x512) I would have to do 32 passes on the map for the 2048 GBA tiles, or to set the texture target for each tile (only if it's in the same 64-tile zone than the last one); this would flush the cache at each tile, and rendering a whole map would become very slow. :-(
Another solution would be to use the GE, but am I obliged to flush the texture cache when I change its base address?
Anyways, as I want to draw a tilemap, I can't cut my rendering in multiple passes with offsets, because with 64 tiles (8x512) I would have to do 32 passes on the map for the 2048 GBA tiles, or to set the texture target for each tile (only if it's in the same 64-tile zone than the last one); this would flush the cache at each tile, and rendering a whole map would become very slow. :-(
Another solution would be to use the GE, but am I obliged to flush the texture cache when I change its base address?
Sorry for my bad english
Oldschool library for PSP - PC version released