I am willing to do all of the graphics work for the game.
here is a general idea of what it would look like. keep in mind it is just a concept things can be changed very easily.

Things that the game would need
Lan/Internet support for 8 players
Tile based mapping system.
Ai (not needed but would be cool)
2 player option with one psp
teambased play
People that the game still needs
Sound Guru
post in the fourm or pm me if you would like to help
Just incase anyone wants to use any of the stuff Ive created to help continue the process I made a rar/zip file available for download it contains all of the graphics files and maps I have made plus an opening clip that I made last night cause I was bored.
Also if anyone needs any help with graphics for their program/game
I can help out just pm me.