Anyways, I remember a while back that someone figured out how to change the psp application launch animation, but how do you do it? (i saw a video of a bear instead of the bubbles)
and also,
i am a graphics designer, and was wondering how can you edit the graphics in applications and games on the psp (like the homebrew ones) to make them look better and match the psp interface? or is it not that simple?
and another also,
is it possible for someone to make a program for me that works with snes9x (its the emu worked on by UO) that allows you to autoload roms without opening the program? its hard to explain but its quite simple. basically, can i open a specific rom from the memory stick menu, for example, so i could have this backround behind Super Mario World, and have a diff backround for every game.

if anybody needs some graphics for their project allow me to help.
here's a simple background i made for the new psp remote utility.