I'm going to make a all-in-one package with pspdev toolchain and samples for win32. I've compiled the toolchain, and now I'm going to make an up to date startup.s file.
Could you make a stub functions list with all the functions known and uknwown (I'll update them later) to insert in the startup.s, please ?
Keep up the good work.
To neofar... (STUB FUNCTIONS)
Hi you can get all api and stub here .
goto http://pspdev.ofcode.com/api.php
goto http://pspdev.ofcode.com/api.php

really you want a startup.s with 1927 functions ?????
My idea it's to make a form where you can check the modules that will use, and make a startup only with this functions...
but if you are interested in this superstarup.s I can make...
really you want a startup.s with 1927 functions ?????
My idea it's to make a form where you can check the modules that will use, and make a startup only with this functions...
but if you are interested in this superstarup.s I can make...