PSP Blue Screen of Death?
PSP Blue Screen of Death?
I've got no clue what this is, however there is a file in there called "sceBlueScreenofDeath". Any Clue what this is?

Looks like he was referring to the 3rd from the bottom, in that list of modules that are resident or could be resident in memory. It shows the process ID, the begin and end location in memory. This is not a memory dump, nor is it a bluescreen. This is mearly a process status screen.
Now the real question is how can someone invoke the process the thread starter mentioned, BSOD..
Now the real question is how can someone invoke the process the thread starter mentioned, BSOD..
This might be a stupid postulate, but:
Is it possible that the display PSP at E3 (likely the one in this photo) is hooked into a devkit behind that white wall? I would ass-u-me so, considering the need to 'fool' with what is displayed on the PSP at the conference without having to constantly open up the display locker.
If this is correct, it might be giving us some good info about the devkit.
Is it possible that the display PSP at E3 (likely the one in this photo) is hooked into a devkit behind that white wall? I would ass-u-me so, considering the need to 'fool' with what is displayed on the PSP at the conference without having to constantly open up the display locker.
If this is correct, it might be giving us some good info about the devkit.
Eyeore, arm photon torpedoes and lock phasers on the Heffalump. Tigger, Piglet, meet me in Transporter Room Three.
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Eyeore, arm photon torpedoes and lock phasers on the Heffalump. Tigger, Piglet, meet me in Transporter Room Three.
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'Development' PSPs have a larger 'debug' operating system.L0j1k wrote:This might be a stupid postulate, but:
Is it possible that the display PSP at E3 (likely the one in this photo) is hooked into a devkit behind that white wall? I would ass-u-me so, considering the need to 'fool' with what is displayed on the PSP at the conference without having to constantly open up the display locker.
If this is correct, it might be giving us some good info about the devkit.
This explains why a BSOD (or whatever this is) has never been seen on a consumer PSP.
It would be interesting to know what was running on the PSP.
If it was a USA RidgeRacers UMD then who knows why that screen is showing.
If it was a buggy demo of some sorts knocked-up by a dev then that could explain it. Or Wipeout Fusion for that matter! ;)
Why is this form a dev psp ? sceStdio is at least present within the 1.0 firmware.sq377 wrote:"sceStdio"
Probably a dev psp.
Heres a list on whats on currently known to be inside 1.0 and whats not:
sceSystemMemoryManager: sysmem.prx
sceExceptionManager: exceptiorman.prx
sceInterruptManager: interruptman.prx
sceSysclib: sysclib.prx
sceThreadManager: threadman.prx
sceDMAManager: dmacman.prx
sceSystimer: systimer.prx
sceIOFileManager: iofilemgr.prx
sceUart4: uart4.prx
sceSM1_Driver: NO !!
sceStdio: stdio.prx
sceKernelUtils: utils.prx
sceInit: init.prx
sceBlueScreenofDeath: NO !!
sceSYSREG_Driver: sysreg.prx
sceGPIO_Driver: gpio.prx