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PS2SDK updates and additions

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:49 pm
by Lukasz
Since not everyone checks the subversion logs as often as they check the forums ( I don't :-) ), I thought I'd create this thread to announce additions and updates to PS2SDK, which aren't just minor bugfixes.

I've been working on making free opensource pad replacement modules. Here is a list of my updates and additions to PS2SDK lately:
  • Added freesio2.irx - free replacement module for XSIO2MAN, built from sio2log source.
    Added freepad.irx - free replacement module for XPADMAN.
    Added freemtap.irx - free replacement module for XMTAPMAN.
    Added padx sample
    Added mtap sample
    Added xsio2man.h, xpadman.h and xmtapman.h IOP headers.
    Updated libpadx
I've only tested freepad with DualShock2 controllers and multitaps. So there might be some bugs with other types of controllers. However the bugs should be in sio2Cmds.c where the SIO2 commands are setup for different controllers, and should be very easy to locate and fix, if the controllers are tested with freepad in debug mode (uncomment DEBUG flag in makefile to enable debug mode).

It is now possibly to write your own custom lowlevel pad driver, based upon the freepad source. Some hints if you take upon this task;

- Use sio2log by Marcus R. Brown in PS2SDK to log the SIO2 send/receive data, to get an overview of what XPADMAN/freepad does to setup the pad and how it reads it. I recommend changing the logging functions in sio2log to use printf instead of writing to the logging file.
- Read padspecs.txt by Florin Sasu, this document will be of great help in undestanding what all the different sio2 pad commands do (the ones you log with sio2log).
- And of course, read the freepad source :-)

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:43 am
by cosmito
Thanks Lukasz!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:12 pm
by Lukasz
  • Updated freesd - Added SdNote2Pitch and SdPitch2Note. Updated version number to 1.0.
I've tested SdNote2Pitch with 12.960.000 different combinations of input and tested SdPitch2Note with 2.744.000 different combinations of input, and both functions always returned the same value as the LIBSD functions. So I'm pretty confident that both functions work correctly :-)

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:51 am
by ooPo
Nice work. All you need now is a freesmap to complete the set. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:33 am
by Lukasz
ooPo wrote:Nice work. All you need now is a freesmap to complete the set. :)
I think ps2devman already did this:

Cody56 is also working on a new smap driver, which I'm hoping he will release as he got quite nice transfers speeds, and it would be nice to include this in ps2link . Maybe someone can poke him on IRC and get it released. :-)