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PS2Link + 10k \ 15k PS2s

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:28 am
by Dr.Wily
I succesfully launched PS2link on a SCPH-10000 PS2. Network interface work properly and I can send homebrew code with InLink 1.3.2. However when I upload a launcher, the PS2 hang. Almost all app hang after having been upload. Why ?

Only bootadvance work but it only display an old windows like screensaver... All other don't work.

An example with PS2menu :
[NET] : Executing host:C:\ps2mnu\PS2MNU.ELF ...

Setting Curent Directory to C:\ps2mnu\.
Executing Elf host:C:\ps2mnu\PS2MNU.ELF...
loadelf: fname host:C:\ps2mnu\PS2MNU.ELF secname all
Input ELF format filename = host:C:\ps2mnu\PS2MNU.ELF
0 01cd5720 0002aa80 ...
Loaded, host:C:\ps2mnu\PS2MNU.ELF
start address 0x1d00008
gp address 00000000

[NET] : Sent PS2MNU.ELF at 174,8kbytes/s
[NET] : Sent at 174,8kbytes/s

Get Reboot Request From EE
ps2ip_ShutDown: Shutting down ps2ip-module
Someone have a solution ?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:34 pm
by Drakonite
Those loaders are probably doing something that doesn't work on the ancient PS2s... like trying to load modules that didn't exist on them, or other things that are not compatible...

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:13 pm
by Dr.Wily
Ok thank ! I am seaching a legal version of LIBSD.IRX (or equivalent ), and for this time, I don't found it.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:01 pm
by Drakonite
...there is a replacement for libsd called freesd

libsd is horribly broken anyways (at least, the rom0 versions are, some of the game versions are as well)

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:37 am
by Dr.Wily
LIBSD from game is encrypted I can't use it. I'll try freesd.


What modules are used by LaunchELF ?

I try load LIBSD.IRX or FREESD.IRX before LauncELF and it don't work.
