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Another Dumb Newb

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 10:11 pm
I know this question has been asked a million times here already but I guess i realy need some one to spell it out for me i.e. tutorial i am trying to get a PC<>PS2 conection going so i can at least transfer save files and maybe give dev a shot.. Here is my set up, what i know, and how far i,ve gotten.
Ver.7 PS2 w/ DMS3 ver.2 Chip
PS2 ethernet network adapter
8mb mem card

2.4Ghz PC running Windows server 03
All hooked up via switch and router

I think i want to boot PS2link on my PS2 and then use PS2client(or something like it) to run Nport.
I,ve downloaded all the programs and burnt the PS2link ISO and gotten it to run
Welcome to ps2Link v1.2
Booting from cd rom
Net config:
Thats the out put i get when i run PS2link. Shouldnt the ip address, mask and gateway be my PS2's?
Does this need to be a crossover conection?
Where do i go from here?
Please wont you help?
in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffe you could save a newb dever!
wont you help?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 12:21 am
by blackdroid
yes the netconfig line is the ps2's ip, netmask and default gateway.

All you need todo is to have your pc on the same network ( or change ipconfig.dat next time you burn ps2link.iso ). On most os's you can add an ip alias to the existing config you already have, I suggest checking that out since it seems your pc sits on another network.

After you have setup the network properly, you could try to ping the ps2 or just start any of the available pc side clients.