A nudge in the right direction, please [crappy menu system]
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:31 pm
This is primarily for testing, and so I can toy around with a skeleton menu system, before I improve all the inefficient functions and redundancies, and remake this almost entirely from scratch again. However, I still really need to know what the hell is going wrong here, heh. Here is the source to skeleton.c, a simple menu system:
It compiles fine, runs, and everything works fine, except that, when there are three items, and a top item is selected, and DOWN is pressed, the middle item is skipped over, and the bottom item is selected. The strange thing is that this does not occur when a bottom item is selected, and there are three items, and the UP button is pressed. No, that works just as planned, selecting the middle item, after which another UP press will select the top item.
Could someone please point out where I've erred, if that's obvious? I'm guessing it's just some simple lack of proper logic...
Code: Select all
Very badly designed skeleton GUI for Artemis (raw, hacky, scr_printf text on a black background, and
screen transitions via init_scr(). Just something to get the ball rolling.) Borrowed
scandalously (heh) from Pukko's padlib - many thanks to him for providing it, and for everyone else's
work in improving it. Enjoy, and please - make something better!
- Lazy Bastard
#include <tamtypes.h>
#include <kernel.h>
#include <sifrpc.h>
#include <loadfile.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include "libpad.h"
#define ROM_PADMAN
#if defined(ROM_PADMAN) && defined(NEW_PADMAN)
#error Only one of ROM_PADMAN & NEW_PADMAN should be defined!
#if !defined(ROM_PADMAN) && !defined(NEW_PADMAN)
#error ROM_PADMAN or NEW_PADMAN must be defined!
static char padBuf[256] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
static char actAlign[6];
static int actuators;
int menuNumber;
void mainMenuS() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Project Artemis\n\n"
" Welcome to the Project Artemis (terrible) skeleton GUI.\n\n\n\n"
" *Start Game\n\n"
" Options\n\n");
menuNumber = 1;
void mainMenuO() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Project Artemis\n\n"
" Welcome to the Project Artemis (terrible) skeleton GUI.\n\n\n\n"
" Start Game\n\n"
" *Options\n\n");
menuNumber = 2;
void startMenu1() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Welcome to the (terrible) Start menu.\n\n\n\n"
" *Choice 1\n\n"
" Choice 2\n\n"
" Choice 3\n\n");
menuNumber = 3;
void startMenu2() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Welcome to the (terrible) Start menu.\n\n\n\n"
" Choice 1\n\n"
" *Choice 2\n\n"
" Choice 3\n\n");
menuNumber = 4;
void startMenu3() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Welcome to the (terrible) Start menu.\n\n\n\n"
" Choice 1\n\n"
" Choice 2\n\n"
" *Choice 3\n\n");
menuNumber = 5;
void optionsMenu1() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Welcome to the (terrible) Options menu.\n\n\n\n"
" *Choice 1\n\n"
" Choice 2\n\n"
" Choice 3\n\n");
menuNumber = 6;
void optionsMenu2() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Welcome to the (terrible) Options menu.\n\n\n\n"
" Choice 1\n\n"
" *Choice 2\n\n"
" Choice 3\n\n");
menuNumber = 7;
void optionsMenu3() {
scr_printf("\n\n\n\n\n Welcome to the (terrible) Options menu.\n\n\n\n"
" Choice 1\n\n"
" Choice 2\n\n"
" *Choice 3\n\n");
menuNumber = 8;
* Local functions
* loadModules()
int ret;
ret = SifLoadModule("rom0:SIO2MAN", 0, NULL);
ret = SifLoadModule("rom0:XSIO2MAN", 0, NULL);
if (ret < 0) {
ret = SifLoadModule("rom0:PADMAN", 0, NULL);
ret = SifLoadModule("rom0:XPADMAN", 0, NULL);
if (ret < 0) {
* waitPadReady()
int waitPadReady(int port, int slot)
int state;
int lastState;
char stateString[16];
state = padGetState(port, slot);
lastState = -1;
while((state != PAD_STATE_STABLE) && (state != PAD_STATE_FINDCTP1)) {
if (state != lastState) {
padStateInt2String(state, stateString);
lastState = state;
state=padGetState(port, slot);
// Was the pad ever 'out of sync'?
if (lastState != -1) {
return 0;
* initializePad()
initializePad(int port, int slot)
int ret;
int modes;
int i;
waitPadReady(port, slot);
// How many different modes can this device operate in?
// i.e. get # entrys in the modetable
modes = padInfoMode(port, slot, PAD_MODETABLE, -1);
if (modes > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < modes; i++) {
// If modes == 0, this is not a Dual shock controller
// (it has no actuator engines)
if (modes == 0) {
return 1;
// Verify that the controller has a DUAL SHOCK mode
i = 0;
do {
if (padInfoMode(port, slot, PAD_MODETABLE, i) == PAD_TYPE_DUALSHOCK)
} while (i < modes);
if (i >= modes) {
return 1;
// If ExId != 0x0 => This controller has actuator engines
// This check should always pass if the Dual Shock test above passed
ret = padInfoMode(port, slot, PAD_MODECUREXID, 0);
if (ret == 0) {
return 1;
// When using MMODE_LOCK, user cant change mode with Select button
padSetMainMode(port, slot, PAD_MMODE_DUALSHOCK, PAD_MMODE_LOCK);
waitPadReady(port, slot);
actuators = padInfoAct(port, slot, -1, 0);
if (actuators != 0) {
actAlign[0] = 0; // Enable small engine
actAlign[1] = 1; // Enable big engine
actAlign[2] = 0xff;
actAlign[3] = 0xff;
actAlign[4] = 0xff;
actAlign[5] = 0xff;
waitPadReady(port, slot);
else {
waitPadReady(port, slot);
return 1;
int ret;
int port, slot;
int i;
struct padButtonStatus buttons;
u32 paddata;
u32 old_pad = 0;
u32 new_pad;
mainMenuS(); /*Load main menu text*/
port = 0; // 0 -> Connector 1, 1 -> Connector 2
slot = 0; // Always zero if not using multitap
if((ret = padPortOpen(port, slot, padBuf)) == 0) {
if(!initializePad(port, slot)) {
for (;;) { /*Infinite loop to detect pad state*/
ret=padGetState(port, slot);
while((ret != PAD_STATE_STABLE) && (ret != PAD_STATE_FINDCTP1)) {
ret=padGetState(port, slot);
if(i==1) {
ret = padRead(port, slot, &buttons); // port, slot, buttons
if (ret != 0) {
paddata = 0xffff ^ buttons.btns;
new_pad = paddata & ~old_pad;
old_pad = paddata;
// Directions
if(new_pad & PAD_LEFT) {
if(new_pad & PAD_RIGHT) {
if((new_pad & PAD_UP) && (menuNumber == 2)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_UP) && (menuNumber == 4)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_UP) && (menuNumber == 5)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_UP) && (menuNumber == 7)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_UP) && (menuNumber == 8)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_DOWN) && (menuNumber == 1)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_DOWN) && (menuNumber == 3)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_DOWN) && (menuNumber == 4)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_DOWN) && (menuNumber == 6)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_DOWN) && (menuNumber == 7)) {
if(new_pad & PAD_START) {
if(new_pad & PAD_R3) {
if(new_pad & PAD_L3) {
if(new_pad & PAD_SELECT) {
if(new_pad & PAD_SQUARE) {
if((new_pad & PAD_CROSS) && (menuNumber == 1)) {
if((new_pad & PAD_CROSS) && (menuNumber == 2)) {
if(new_pad & PAD_CIRCLE) {
if((new_pad & PAD_TRIANGLE) && (menuNumber > 2)) {
if(new_pad & PAD_R1) {
if(new_pad & PAD_L1) {
if(new_pad & PAD_R2) {
if(new_pad & PAD_L2) {
// Test the press mode
/* Calling SetActAlign repetedly will kill the iop :P
* (guess the EE is too fast for IOP to handle..)
* So I'd recommend to change the actuator values only once per
* vblank or so..
if(buttons.triangle_p) {
#if 0
actAlign[1] = (i >> 3); buttons.triangle_p; // Big engine
padSetActDirect(port, slot, actAlign);
// Start little engine if we move right analog stick right
if(buttons.rjoy_h > 0xf0)
// Stupid check to see if engine is already running,
// just to prevent overloading the IOP with requests
if (actAlign[0] == 0) {
actAlign[0] = 1;
padSetActDirect(port, slot, actAlign);
return 0;
Could someone please point out where I've erred, if that's obvious? I'm guessing it's just some simple lack of proper logic...