MinGW/msys (possible) issues with romfs...
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:45 am
[Update]: gsKit issues resolved; romfs issues remain.
Hello, and might I apologize in advance for my probably inane questions :)
I'm using MinGW and msys, as outlined in a guide by Lukasz (many thanks to him for his contributions to me and the scene in general). I compiled PS2SDK, and was able to compile all the sources in Samples, all the source I've seen around the forums by whatisdot (many thanks to him as well, for all his examples), all the Hello World variants, and several other snippets here and there. Next, I wanted to compile some source that required SDL, so I checked out from SVN and installed gsKit, which seemed to work fine, then SDL, which also seemed to work fine. I was thus able to compile Lukasz's Doom SDL port. Next, there was some romfs-related source I wanted to compile, so I checked out romfs, and tried to do a make all install. However, this yielded the errors,
"genromfs.c:79:24: netinet/in.h: No such file or directory
genromfs.c:81:28: sys/sysmacros.h: No such file or directory"
Upon inspection, these files are nowhere to be found (on any of the three computers I have installed the PS2SDK on), but are apparently present in a normal Cygwin installation. I may be able to simply grab these from a Cygwin installation, and copy them over (though that's quite likely to fail, I suppose, or lead me to more missing files), but the question remains: is romfs compatible with the MinGW/msys PS2SDK setup?
Secondly, I was interested in compiling some gsKit examples, and saw ps2devman's qbert_ps2, pong_ps2, and a couple of others as a perfect opportunity for this (as they're relatively recent, and shouldn't be too outdated to compile on a new SDK). They can be found via this thread:
http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php? ... ight=qbert
Upon attempting to compile any of them, however, I initially got the error,
"Makefile:27: /usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/Makefile.pref: No such file or directory
Makefile:28: /usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/Makefile.global: No such file or directory "
For a hopefully quick fix, I used a copy ps2devman sent me of each of these, but this resulted in an error that $(GSKITSRC)/ee/Rules.make could not be found. I have no ee dir under gsKit, let alone a Rules.make file inside of it. Hence, for another hopefully quick fix, I created an ee dir, and used a copy of Rules.make that ps2devman was generous enough to send me. However, this resulted in the errors,
"graphics.c:2:19: gsKit.h: No such file or directory
graphics.c:3:20: dmaKit.h: No such file or directory
graphics.c:9:19: gsKit.h: No such file or directory"
I have the missing files under local/ps2dev/gsKit/include, and gsKit seemed to install correctly, so I'm wondering why including them is failing...do I need to modify my environment variables in some way? And if so, shouldn't the gsKit installation have done that for me? Perhaps gsKit doesn't like msys/MinGW...
Does anyone have any idea about either of these issues? I do understand that these forums are generally not for beginners, and I also intend to remain a beginner for as little time as possible :) If you have a clue about what I'm missing, a friendly elbow to the ribs in the right direction would be very appreciated.
Hello, and might I apologize in advance for my probably inane questions :)
I'm using MinGW and msys, as outlined in a guide by Lukasz (many thanks to him for his contributions to me and the scene in general). I compiled PS2SDK, and was able to compile all the sources in Samples, all the source I've seen around the forums by whatisdot (many thanks to him as well, for all his examples), all the Hello World variants, and several other snippets here and there. Next, I wanted to compile some source that required SDL, so I checked out from SVN and installed gsKit, which seemed to work fine, then SDL, which also seemed to work fine. I was thus able to compile Lukasz's Doom SDL port. Next, there was some romfs-related source I wanted to compile, so I checked out romfs, and tried to do a make all install. However, this yielded the errors,
"genromfs.c:79:24: netinet/in.h: No such file or directory
genromfs.c:81:28: sys/sysmacros.h: No such file or directory"
Upon inspection, these files are nowhere to be found (on any of the three computers I have installed the PS2SDK on), but are apparently present in a normal Cygwin installation. I may be able to simply grab these from a Cygwin installation, and copy them over (though that's quite likely to fail, I suppose, or lead me to more missing files), but the question remains: is romfs compatible with the MinGW/msys PS2SDK setup?
Secondly, I was interested in compiling some gsKit examples, and saw ps2devman's qbert_ps2, pong_ps2, and a couple of others as a perfect opportunity for this (as they're relatively recent, and shouldn't be too outdated to compile on a new SDK). They can be found via this thread:
http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php? ... ight=qbert
Upon attempting to compile any of them, however, I initially got the error,
"Makefile:27: /usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/Makefile.pref: No such file or directory
Makefile:28: /usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/Makefile.global: No such file or directory "
For a hopefully quick fix, I used a copy ps2devman sent me of each of these, but this resulted in an error that $(GSKITSRC)/ee/Rules.make could not be found. I have no ee dir under gsKit, let alone a Rules.make file inside of it. Hence, for another hopefully quick fix, I created an ee dir, and used a copy of Rules.make that ps2devman was generous enough to send me. However, this resulted in the errors,
"graphics.c:2:19: gsKit.h: No such file or directory
graphics.c:3:20: dmaKit.h: No such file or directory
graphics.c:9:19: gsKit.h: No such file or directory"
I have the missing files under local/ps2dev/gsKit/include, and gsKit seemed to install correctly, so I'm wondering why including them is failing...do I need to modify my environment variables in some way? And if so, shouldn't the gsKit installation have done that for me? Perhaps gsKit doesn't like msys/MinGW...
Does anyone have any idea about either of these issues? I do understand that these forums are generally not for beginners, and I also intend to remain a beginner for as little time as possible :) If you have a clue about what I'm missing, a friendly elbow to the ribs in the right direction would be very appreciated.