PSPTris version 0.5
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:51 pm
PSPTris version 0.5 has been released. This is a stand alone Tetris clone for the PSP. The plan is to have it running as a plugin for PSPRadio. But it will also be released as a stand alone version, for those having 2.x firmware, which can't use the dynamic version of PSPRadio.
This version has all the basic gameplay in place. It still needs a bit polishing, but I wanted to release this preview to get some feedback.
Br, Sandberg.
The game (I'd be glad if somebody else could host the file, since I don't really like megaupload)

PSPTris version 0.5 has been released. This is a stand alone Tetris clone for the PSP. The plan is to have it running as a plugin for PSPRadio. But it will also be released as a stand alone version, for those having 2.x firmware, which can't use the dynamic version of PSPRadio.
This version has all the basic gameplay in place. It still needs a bit polishing, but I wanted to release this preview to get some feedback.
Br, Sandberg.
The game (I'd be glad if somebody else could host the file, since I don't really like megaupload)