Each level has a varying amount of available bugz and a set target for the number of bugz you must pop to advance to the next level.
You only get one attempt per level, so choose your initial position wisely, timing is key!
- 17 levels of addictive gameplay.
- Online high score table - view and upload scores in game.
- Save & load of player and autosave feature.
- Game share ability.
- Official PSP dialogs.
- Custom soundtrack.
- Play MP3 files in game from MUSIC/ or PSP/MUSIC/ folder.
- Plus much more!
The gameplay idea is based on the excellent flash game Boomshine (http://www.k2xl.com/games/boomshine/).

-= VIDEOS =-
High res: http://bugz.luaplayer.org/videos.php
Low res: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGk-Nfo_JSk
Copy the 'bugz' folder to PSP/GAME3XX/ (or PSP/GAME/ if your kernel is set to 3xx in the recovery menu).
- Use the D-pad for navigation and X to select an option.
- Use the D-pad or analog to move the cursor and press X to start popping.
- Press RIGHT TRIGGER to skip to the next MP3 track (requires MP3 files in MUSIC/ or PSP/MUSIC/ folder).
- The MP3 files must be 44.1khz stereo to be played.
The online high score table has a few simple methods to attempt to keep cheaters to a minimum.
If cheating is persistant, I will remove the table - don't spoil it for others.
Bugz is coded in C using Phoenix Game Engine and the PSPSDK. It is a test of the code that will form the next Lua Player.
Thanks to TyRaNiD for psplink, which was used in debugging.
Special thanks to all in #psp-programming, #pspdev on irc.freenode.net and #psp on irc.malloc.us who tested, gave suggestions and supplied example code. You know who you are.
Made on a Mac.
Images - Adobe Illustrator CS2
Music - GarageBand
Code IDE - Xcode
All audio, images and content were created by David Perry (InsertWittyName).
Contact me via email if you find any problems.
Custom firmware plugins that are enabled may cause the game to function incorrectly. It is recommended to disable all plugins.
[email protected]
If you like it, vote for it.
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