PSPTris version 0.6 has been released. This is a stand alone Tetris clone for the PSP. The plan is to have it running as a plugin for PSPRadio. But it will also be released as a stand alone version, for those having 2.x firmware, which can't use the dynamic version of PSPRadio.
This version has been updated from the 0.5 version with the following fixes and features.
Version 0.6 (07th of May 2006)
- The keyhandling are more responsive (quicker) in the game.
- The blockhandling has been rewritten, so rotation etc. should work correct now.
- Better handling when entering highscores (it automatically selects next position after having entered a character).
- Updated the danzeff OSK so that it doesn't need the transperant images. This saves 1 MB of system memory. (the transperancy still works).
- Mute the music while the game is paused.
- Update the bricks so that there are more differences in the colors.
- New gametype has been added (matching colors).
- Game instructions added to the menu.
- A line counter has been added to the classic game.
- Exploding effect added when removing lines/balls.
- Sounds effects has been added to the game.
Br, Sandberg.
The game can be downloaded from: ...