Search found 122 matches

by ralferoo
Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:45 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: Hypervisor usually just returns no access error (-6)...
Replies: 2
Views: 5279

Re: Hypervisor usually just returns no access error (-6)...

However, my question comes from the actual return values that are given to us on most of the hypervisor calls. How come most of the time the hypervisor returns -6 (a.k.a. no access)? Do we need to somehow tell the hypervisor to be nice to us? ... Do we have to tell the hypervisor to play nice? If s...
by ralferoo
Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:56 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: SIXAXIS under Linux (not just on the PS3)
Replies: 6
Views: 14383

Hmm... The old sixaxis (without rumble) are nowhere to be found, but according to the new dual shock 3 are "reported not to work" over bluetooth. Can anyone confirm or dismiss this claim? I'd really hate investing in a wireless controller only...
by ralferoo
Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:18 am
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: More Sixaxis
Replies: 1
Views: 3107

Re: More Sixaxis

salseropg wrote:Hello!
I would like to know if it´s possible use more than 1 sixaxis controller. I have 4 sixaxis controllers: someone can help me?
Yes, I personally have used up to 4 sixaxis and 1 dualshock3 simultaneously.
by ralferoo
Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:15 pm
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: How to start development?
Replies: 3
Views: 5101

Re: How to start development?

1) As I understand, I can use common PS3 console, isn`t it? No idea what you're asking here. If you mean using a standard retail PS3 for linux development, then yes. 2) Can I use PS3 console both for development and for playing game (I am worry about security stuff...) Yes, it's not a problem. You ...
by ralferoo
Thu May 29, 2008 12:14 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Games using stripped down linux kernel?
Replies: 7
Views: 7436

Re: Games using stripped down linux kernel?

Has there been any serious effort to make a game that uses the linux kernel and the bare essentials to give the appearance of a stand alone game? Given the low complexity of most homebrew games, a good software renderer with access to 6 SPEs should be more than fast enough. I've written a couple of...
by ralferoo
Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:02 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: PS3 Bluetooth remote control protocol
Replies: 4
Views: 6377

Re: PS3 Bluetooth remote control protocol

Hey guys, I had a look for threads relating to the Bluetooth remote, and couldn't find any useful information. No need to do sniffing, you can see the data easily using "hcidump -x" I've documented the controller pretty fully at There is some cod...
by ralferoo
Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:33 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: PS3SDK release date
Replies: 15
Views: 19025

I find it kinda stupid that linux is "blocking out 3d" whats the point in even wanting to waste my time when i feel i am restricted on my own system. Most people who bought the PS3 for prgramming did so because the cell processor is the unqiue thing that makes it fun to develop for. If yo...
by ralferoo
Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:12 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: can't find spu_mfcio.h
Replies: 5
Views: 5408

maybe for now, I'll just have all of the spu modules with an extension like .so. .so is a really bad idea as it's used for "shared objects" (i.e. libraries). gcc will probably assume a while bunch of options if you use .so. As for the C++ you mean you're running out of memory whi...
by ralferoo
Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:08 pm
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: can't find spu_mfcio.h
Replies: 5
Views: 5408

Is your makefile definitely using spu-gcc? The default would be to compile with gcc unless you define a rule specifically. An example from my Makefile: SPUCC = spu-gcc -std=gnu99 -fpic SPUCCFLAGS = -O6 -I. %.s&#58; %.c $&#40;SPUCC&#41; $&#40;SPUCCFLAGS&#41; -c -S $< -o $*.s %.0&a...
by ralferoo
Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:13 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
Replies: 582
Views: 900128

I have tried this with both my Dual Shock 3 controllers and its not working. Is it becuase its DS3's or becuase im using 64bit OS? It'll probably be because you're in 64-bit. The DualShock3 behaves identically to the sixaxis, even down to the vendor, product and version identifiers, so any driver t...
by ralferoo
Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:41 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Loading PRXs from IPL; Assuming the role of sony IPLs
Replies: 5
Views: 3018

Re: Loading PRXs from IPL; sceLoadExec has not even initiali

KickinAezz wrote:Just out of curiosity.
...Since December 2006.
You've been wondering this for 14 months and only just asked... ;)
by ralferoo
Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:39 am
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: Who wants 252MB more RAM for PS3 homebrew.
Replies: 70
Views: 77978

Re: RSX DMA accelerated ps3vram driver

Hi, when I try to load this module I get: &#91;root@localhost ~&#93;# modprobe ps3vram FATAL&#58; Error inserting ps3vram &#40;/lib/modules/2.6.24-rc7-g5b09688b/extra/ps3vram.ko&#41;&#58; Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter &#40;see dmesg&#41; Dmesg report...
by ralferoo
Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:31 pm
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Can anyone with a dualshock 3 confirm its vendorID:productID
Replies: 10
Views: 12221

Right I've plugged in my DS3 controller and got the info but youre probably not going to like the results :( Looks like the same as the Sixaxis controller.... hope this still helps btw. TBH, that makes life easier for me and probably most people, as existing code looks for deivce ID 054c:0268 in or...
by ralferoo
Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:01 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: Decryption by Plaintext Attack
Replies: 19
Views: 20760

Presumably this is how the PS3 keeps it secrets, and at least the 360 is protected like this. Anyway, you might not even *need* to get the decryption key to hack a console like the PS3. If you hit a software exploit in some part of the system that allows access to un-encrypted RAM, you already have...
by ralferoo
Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:50 pm
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Can anyone with a dualshock 3 confirm its vendorID:productID
Replies: 10
Views: 12221

Bus 003 Device 005&#58; ID 054c&#58;0268 Sony Corp. Device Descriptor&#58; ... idVendor 0x054c Sony Corp. idProduct 0x0268 bcdDevice 1.00 iManufacturer 1 Sony iProduct 2 PLAYSTATION&#40;R&#41;3 Controller Is that definitely a DualShock3? Those results look identical to the stand...
by ralferoo
Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:06 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Can anyone with a dualshock 3 confirm its vendorID:productID
Replies: 10
Views: 12221

Can anyone with a dualshock 3 confirm its vendorID:productID

Just wondered if anyone out there who has a DualShock 3 and linux (not necessarily on the PS3) can confirm the USB productID. The output from cat /proc/bus/input/devices or cat /proc/bus/usb/devices when the DualShock3 is plugged in should tell me everything I need to know... The vendor ID is probab...
by ralferoo
Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:25 pm
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Access to ps3 filesystem from linux???
Replies: 3
Views: 6311

Re: Access to ps3 filesystem from linux???

gotama wrote:Is it possible to access to ps3 filesystem from linux?
No. Even if you try to access the disk by removing it and putting it into a PC, you'll discover all the GameOS region is encypted.
by ralferoo
Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:04 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Is Sony blocking 3D access?
Replies: 21
Views: 502245

(from article) By blocking access to 3D aspects of the GPU, Sony will encourage developers to find exploits that bypass the hypervisor security. Again, I like to point out the primary conclusions in - that by forc...
by ralferoo
Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:57 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: The hunt for HV's FIFO/Push buffer...
Replies: 463
Views: 922467

As of PS3 firmware version 2.10, the GPU command buffer size must be at least 2 MiB large. Now, I got to wondering why the command buffer size was increased unless they're expecting to fill it with lots of commands... perhaps there are now methods that allow the queue to be manipulated and official...
by ralferoo
Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:53 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Hypervisor API
Replies: 23
Views: 24591

how are people determining functions from the hypervisor? is it possible to dump it in some way? or is it literally guess work as to what different memory addresses do? Calling the functions and seeing what happens for the most part. We also have examples of some of them being used in the publicall...
by ralferoo
Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:44 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: PS3RSX Binary driver support
Replies: 117
Views: 326390

andlommy wrote:2.6.23-rc7 (my kernel version, taken from forum thread where guys managed to fix wireless in it)
I notice that there were a load more gelic patches released today which allow wired and wireless to exist at the same time.
by ralferoo
Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:21 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: pubble - homebrew puzzle bobble game for PS3
Replies: 5
Views: 9084

Could you sum up what additional features you're going to add to the lib? I have a fairly flexibly list, mostly in my head and also the TODO and I'm mostly looking at improving performance even more which will also have the side effect of adding support for 16:9 SD modes. I then planned on tidying ...
by ralferoo
Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:08 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: pubble - homebrew puzzle bobble game for PS3
Replies: 5
Views: 9084

Thanks for the feedback... It's all much appreciated and good to know people are enjoying the game! Player select was a bit confusing. Don't see why the icons are at the bottom of the screen when the option is at the top. Also, it's not immediately apparent that a player has successfully joined the ...
by ralferoo
Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:36 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: Decoding File Formats/Packages
Replies: 2
Views: 4140

Your best bet is to just look at a hex/ASCII dump of the file and see what patterns you see. For instance, you might see filenames, you might see blocks of unecrypted data followed by tons of encrypted or compressed data, you can look for things that look like file offsets and see if the data in tha...
by ralferoo
Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:30 pm
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: display in 1366x768
Replies: 5
Views: 8198

I believe that we can modify the ps3fb.c in similar way to get 1360*768, but i cannot prove this, i don't have access to a ps3 now (and won't have for a few months). I asked Geert about this a few months ago regarding my 1680x1050 monitor and he said that it's only possible to use modes that the hy...
by ralferoo
Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:23 am
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: Higher Level GPU Questions
Replies: 47
Views: 30654

cnlohr wrote:I still can't seem to figure out how to get the GPU context and call the lv1 gpu command from userspace as root
You can't call any hypervisor functions from userspace. Write a small kernel module or more likely, if it's a graphics related call modify ps3fb.
by ralferoo
Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:39 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: PS3 GPU questions
Replies: 6
Views: 6500

1.) linux/otheros have pretty full access to the gpu via undocumented functions and hypervisor holes. Via documented functions we have only weak 2D acceleration. 2.) GPU access via holes and undocumented functions is still active in the latest firmware. It's probably also worth noting that nothing ...
by ralferoo
Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:07 am
Forum: PS3 Linux Development
Topic: Reset text console?
Replies: 4
Views: 5168

Depends on why you can't see anything. If for example it's because you did a PS3FB_IOCTL_ON and the kernel is no longer flipping the screen buffer, you should be able to write a program that just does PS3FB_IOCTL_OFF to fix it. You might also like to use signal() to catch various error conditions (...
by ralferoo
Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:10 am
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: ps3 hypervisor security
Replies: 15
Views: 22331

Re: other findinds

Secondly I tried to compile a simple hello world ( 64 ppc , system V , different abi :-( ) and attach it at the end of the first elf ( the semi-crypted one ) , a way to use this self as trampoline to launch our elf but with scarse results. I'm at work and i don't remember the error code 80010009 or...
by ralferoo
Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:41 pm
Forum: PS3 Development
Topic: ps3 hypervisor security
Replies: 15
Views: 22331

Re: ps3 hypervisor security

further researching i noticed this document but i' ve quite problem in replicating the bug That bug describes a very specific problem in xbox 360 code, which as you know is written by Microsoft. Sony's hypervisor is known to be very similar to the reference ...