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by Ooops
Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:50 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: PMP VLC 0.0.9 Player
Replies: 578
Views: 1074878

Hi jockyw2001, first thanks for your app, it's very pleasant to watch videos in bed with it hehe. Maybe you'd be interested to know the VLC has been updated recently with a better support of H264:
by Ooops
Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:35 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: MediaCoder transcodes for PMP/PMP AVC
Replies: 20
Views: 21107

Djakku you guessed well: once I selected Lame decoder instead of Mplayer the audio conversion didn't fail anymore. Thanks all for the help, Arigato gozaimashita.
by Ooops
Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:04 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: MediaCoder transcodes for PMP/PMP AVC
Replies: 20
Views: 21107

Sorry for my bad english: I did try as I posted first to choose 44100 and 48000 in th main tab instead of "mediacoder psp" presets windows. Unfortunately 44100 option didn't do the trick and now I know that 48000 has no chance to work, thanks for the replies.
by Ooops
Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:05 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: MediaCoder transcodes for PMP/PMP AVC
Replies: 20
Views: 21107

Thanks for the info, however I have a transcoding issue with it: The app always ends complaining about settings and the logfile mentions "Status: [sampling rate != 44100]" with default setting but also if I force the audio rate at 44 or the original of my file: 48 Khz. I used the last 0.5 ...