Search found 5 matches
- Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:58 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02
- Replies: 1856
- Views: 9034025
arrrghhhh! I've got the encoding working fine (using PSPMPVerter 0.2, nice work baldmonkey, I'll try 0.9 later on!), no problems there - it's just driving me nuts that I have a dual-core AMDx2 4600 with one core doing nothing when I encode, yet people have said that they've got both cores running on...
- Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:14 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02
- Replies: 1856
- Views: 9034025
Unfortunatley I tried this earlier and it didn't work. It turns out the threads option only works if x264 or libavc is used as the codec, it doesn't work with xvid. However, I see no reason not to move to using libavc instead of xvid, it supports mpeg4, and by all accounts is the faster encoder (ev...
- Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:33 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02
- Replies: 1856
- Views: 9034025
- Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:52 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02
- Replies: 1856
- Views: 9034025
- Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:31 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02
- Replies: 1856
- Views: 9034025
Hi All, First up, congratulations on making an AWESOME xvid/divx app and modifications - these pmp files look just like UMD videos! Again, excellent work on the encoding programs/batch files! I just have a small query for us Dual-core users out there, when I use the encoders I notice that it's only ...