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- Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:19 pm
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
OK! Now I feel stupid :) The problem was pukklink all along. I just tried ps2link, and my problems have vanished. Billions of printfs in hdd.c and atad.c, and for what? :) Oh well, maybe now I can actually do something useful. I was thinking of doing some kind of mem card<->HDD<->usb drive savegame ...
- Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:57 am
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
Well, the apps I've tried that worked all seem to have the irx's linked into the elf. For example, pgen. Interestingly enough, the pre-built irx's and the example that comes with libhdd all fail to work in exactly the same way... Just for the heck of it, I'm going to try a different host on the ps2.
- Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:32 am
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
- Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:00 am
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
Ok.. I've been trying to debug a little bit. It seems the ps2 freezes up in the initialization of ps2hdd, specifically when ps2hdd.irx calles atadInit(). Is this a bios call? I couldn't find it in the sdk source via grep... UPDATE: I realized atadInit is just another name for an export from ps2atad....
- Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:41 pm
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
Actually, I've already got the irx's embedded in my elf. I haven't seen anything in the posted code that is remarkably different from what I'm doing either... I wonder if this could be compiler related? Unless there's something I just keep missing that's supposed to be done before loading ps2hdd.irx...
- Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:27 pm
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
Thanks, that helps a lot. But now I have a new problem :) I am loading irx's from ee memory, so I had to use the sbv_patches. Now, my program freezes immediately after loading ps2hdd.irx. The hard drive spins up, and the hard drive light comes on and stays on, but my program does not proceed to load...
- Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:38 am
- Forum: PS2 Development
- Topic: program hangs at hddCheckPresent
- Replies: 17
- Views: 11392
That's odd... I'm having the same problem.. I also used the ps2menu method of loading the irx's, but my project still hangs at hddCheckPresent(). These are the IRX's I load, and the order in which I load them: poweroff.irx iomanX.irx fileXio.irx ps2dev9.irx ps2atad.irx ps2hdd.irx ps2fs.irx Did I lea...