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by ={<SMOKE>}=
Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:18 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: how feasible is 3d psp development for a newcomer?
Replies: 4
Views: 2234

Re: how feasible is 3d psp development for a newcomer?

Agoln wrote:
={<SMOKE>}= wrote:also, how is animation being done on the psp?
OpenGL and libGU

All the stuff that is ported is in SVN,
how do you do animation in opengl? and would it be possible to use a software package like maya for psp development?
by ={<SMOKE>}=
Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:44 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: how feasible is 3d psp development for a newcomer?
Replies: 4
Views: 2234

how feasible is 3d psp development for a newcomer?

i'm a comp sci major and have had 3 c++ courses. i am very interested in game development and would love to start programming on the psp. how feasible is this? i understand the graphics library for the psp is very similar to opengl (i have no experience with it though). would i be better off working...