Oops, sorry.. I figured it out. I forgot to clear some flags, so whenever it looped over to this function again it stopped satisfying the two pair case.
My apologies.. you can delete this post.
Search found 7 matches
- Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:00 pm
- Forum: PSP Lua Player Development
- Topic: Problem with elseif block
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1257
- Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:45 pm
- Forum: PSP Lua Player Development
- Topic: Problem with elseif block
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1257
Problem with elseif block
Hi, I am working on a poker type of game, and I have this section with a list of "elseifs": function findBestHand() hand_type = NOTHING str = "nothing" -- Search in this order if isRoyalFlush() == 1 then hand_type = ROYAL_FLUSH str = "Royal Fl...
- Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:50 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: psp-gcc instead of psp-ld
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3537
- Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:48 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: psp-gcc instead of psp-ld
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3537
psp-gcc instead of psp-ld
Hi, I've been using psp-ld to link my code for the last couple of days, but I then found out that I need to use psp-gcc instead, and it also complains less when linking libc. Anyways, when I was using psp-ld, my own Hello World program had produced a EBOOT.PBP that runs on my PSP fine, but when I tr...
- Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:17 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Adding custom libraries (newbie)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1979
Use psp-gcc to link instead of psp-ld. Order matters. Search this very forum because I think this is like the umpteenth time I've repeated this information :P. No need to get upset over it. I searched this forum for libc/string functions last night and didn't see that information, and I don't have ...
- Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:44 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Adding custom libraries (newbie)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1979
Just link with libc which is included in the psptoolchain. Pass -lc on the linker command line. I tried that last night as well. I'm at work so I don't have access to my home PC right now, but I had added the -lc in the PSP LD command. Do I have to put it in the right order in that particular comma...
- Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:21 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Adding custom libraries (newbie)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1979
Adding custom libraries (newbie)
Hello everyone, I just got started on developing my first PSP programs a couple of days ago after I got the PSP toolchain installed on Linux. I was able to get Hello World working and I modified the code to do some cool stuff. Also, thanks to this forum - and searching through it - I have learned lo...