Search found 13 matches

by davideciarm
Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:12 pm
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: Driver for PSTwo ethernet /Where find prev kernel?
Replies: 0
Views: 2010

Driver for PSTwo ethernet /Where find prev kernel?

Hi at all! i had installed linux with kernel 2.4.17. now, i have problem with ethernet driver, i have finded a patch for driver at link: a modified version of the driver: http://skygate.brav...
by davideciarm
Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:48 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

thanks for help.
you know what is the chip in the PSTwo?
but...this post: ... g_id=50493
show that ethernet work on PSTwo! :-S

and datasheet: ... TE100.html
by davideciarm
Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:18 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

ok, thanks for help.
how i can do to work Network? why not work? kernel drivers aren't compatible or your kloader can't manage it?
(and if i buy an USB->ETH can i connect to network?)
by davideciarm
Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:19 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

until yesterday to start, i run command "modprobe usb-storage" to load usb module in the file /sbin/init of the initrd file. today i had integrated USB Storage in kernel and it works! Good! i have disabled modules ps2mc joystick ps2pad devpts in file /etc/modules, to not load (until i not ...
by davideciarm
Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:11 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

HI! good news! i had modify varius files...and now woork good!!!! Start at every boot! at end post my files... but...i receive some error message: note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent of modules.dep modprobe: can't locate module ps2mc modprobe: can't locate module joystick ...
by davideciarm
Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:23 pm
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

Hi! Today i had buyed an USB to PS2 adapter: connect an Logitech PS2 keyboard and....: WORK! the keyboard usb that i had tested not work! :-S now i start with kernel that i had compiled, and with initrd for boot from USB. then: start...keyboard work in promt (bash i think) but: freezing initrd memor...
by davideciarm
Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:05 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

can you host your kloader.elf, initrd and kernel files? thanks very much!
by davideciarm
Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:54 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: Loading an ELF file above 0x80000000
Replies: 303
Views: 429019

Hi! i had compiled linux witch thes patchs: and the kernel that i had compiled is this: i start KL1.9 with this kerne...
by davideciarm
Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:54 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: Compile linux kernel
Replies: 1
Views: 2435

Compile linux kernel

Hi at all! I have Ubuntu on my PC, i would compile the linux kernel for my ps2 slim. i receive thes error during installation of application...why? i use this tutorial: extracted correctly gcc and binutils. extracted ...
by davideciarm
Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:29 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

if you it!
i had tryed all!!! but ...nothing! :-( i would linux!!! :-)
my email "davideciarmi @" if you would add to msn, or if you would send me a files....thanks very much!
by davideciarm
Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:37 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: Loading an ELF file above 0x80000000
Replies: 303
Views: 429019

the kernel loader works fine in usb, in fact the kernel initrd etc are in a usb thumb drive... i managed to make it work fiddling with the settings (specifically i used the irx you mention), however i've got another error now, but i guess its related to the usb keyboard/hub combo i'm using because ...
by davideciarm
Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:23 am
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: ps2 linux on usb memory
Replies: 420
Views: 358693

hi! i'm tryng from yesterday to start linux...nothing success! I have an PStwo 75004. I would use Linux from USB Pen drive (2GB Kingstone). i hade make 3 partition with my ubuntu: 1: 200Mb in FAT32 for files... 2: 1500MB in ext2 where i have extracted blackrhino_baseimage-1.0.tar.gz 3: 100MB swap pa...
by davideciarm
Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:31 pm
Forum: PS2 Development
Topic: Loading an ELF file above 0x80000000
Replies: 303
Views: 429019

Hi at all! I would install linux on my PS2 Slim 75004. it's possible? i had read the tutorial at link: but, when i launch kloader.elf from ulaunch, it load 5-6 files, and after still on display "loading"... (i not had connecte...