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- Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:35 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:27 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:47 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:01 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:55 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to ask this, but can anyone help me in the unpacking of the System_7.5.3.smi that Apple has up for download? I don't own a Mac, I don't know anyone who owns a Mac, and I can't install Mac OS unless someone with a Mac can unpack the above file and create a ROM. I heard ...
- Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:56 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
I made some corrections and additions to it. The final version that comes with the program is in PDF format since I'm sure many people would faint if confronted with an ODF document. :) In case folks hadn't noticed, I went ahead and put together a release package that I posted on my google page and...
- Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:41 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:08 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:24 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
Oregon trail works, though I only get sound when hunting, and then I only get the sound of the gun. On 8.1. Calc works very well, for me, as well. I don't really have many apps, so that's all I've tested so far. It was running kinda slow, so I set the cpu to 333/166...and it seems to have sped up a ...
- Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:55 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:54 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
Well I have no idea what was happening before, but can create hardfiles now! haha. I'm staring at the install screen for 8.1 right now. As soon as it finishes I'll test out some more stuff. And I've been thinking about getting an ir keyboard for a while, I might go ahead and just get one off ebay or...
- Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:23 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
Well so far, the hardfile maker is working for me! It didn't work on the last release for me (probably cause of my theme), And is there internet in the future? I thought I remembered you saying it's not possible but I don't get the network error when I boot up anymore. edit: I forgot to switch it fr...
- Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:58 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:03 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
Just throwing this out there... but does anyone wanna hook me up with a 100 MB HDD? I really don't wanna mess around with un-flashing my theme to make one. XD Now you're just being silly. There's nothing special about the hardfiles B2 makes - they're just a completely blank file. Even the size does...
- Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:54 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:23 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:23 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
No, it's your firmware. That's trying to launch the Sony OSK to get a name for the hardfile to create. The blue is the background the Sony OSK uses. If it fails, there is something farg'd in the firmware. Did you perhaps remove fonts from the firmware to make space in the flash? Hmm probably has to...
- Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:16 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:37 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
It took me a while to figure it out, but I did. >.< I'm gonna have to figure out a way to make a bigger HDD for the 7.6 update. Any chance of being able to extract to memory stick in the future, or is it impossible? Whenever I go to Volumes > Create Hardfile > 100 MB > Create Hardfile, the screen go...
- Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:39 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:16 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
hey guys i made a video clip of me playing duke nukem on test18 =D here it is: i set duke to the lowest setting if im not mistaken and set graphics to lowest, also sound is in the lowest quality =D enjoy (its very short) XD Hey where did you get the game file m...
- Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:25 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:45 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:53 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
Test 14 - IR keyboard support! At least if you're on 3.52 or older. I forgot Sony doesn't load IRDA.PRX in games anymore. I'll add code for that on the next version. Tested in 3.52 M33-4 with Targus and Palm keyboards. Now I'm extra mad the Slim doesn't have an IR port. ;) MediaFire binary source S...
- Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:26 pm
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:47 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:41 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:33 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:28 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
- Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:58 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
- Replies: 705
- Views: 659507
Okay, the video is up: So I guess you dont have any mac games ;) try some of these! Or if you feel like it I need feedback! Wally How do I get these working? I'd love to have battleship. :) When I downl...