Search found 825 matches

by Torch
Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:12 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: PSP ASM Tracer
Replies: 1
Views: 7259

Look at PSPLink.
by Torch
Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:51 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Install X509 CA Root Certificate?
Replies: 0
Views: 6507

Install X509 CA Root Certificate?

Is there a way to install a CA root certificate in the PSP for use in the browser or with sceHTTPS* connections?
by Torch
Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:15 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: sceDisplayEnable & sceDisplaySetBrightness in User Mode
Replies: 6
Views: 10795


Will only reset the screen dim/off timer. The suspend timer will still fire.
by Torch
Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:08 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: paths
Replies: 35
Views: 67091

I thought even official games used hardcoded paths for custom memory stick data?
by Torch
Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:23 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: fopen VS. sceIoOpen ?
Replies: 20
Views: 32083

Seeing that NOTHING cross platform will ever compile for the PSP without extensive modification, it seems redundant to leave the fopen calls as such. You might as well convert everything to sce* while porting.
by Torch
Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:07 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: PSP Decryption
Replies: 13
Views: 15618

Davee wrote:No, it's still a fix.
If its only the hash then its probably software calculated in the pre-IPL like DAX said before, meaning the exploit if unpatched would still work if the hash is correct.
by Torch
Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:37 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Disable Buttons
Replies: 5
Views: 5113

Hook the sceCtrl* syscalls to disable them in games. vshCtrl* for XMB.
For kernel buttons like volume, note etc and plugins you need to hook the kernel versions of the sceCtrl* functions.
by Torch
Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:32 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: PSP Decryption
Replies: 13
Views: 15618

jimparis wrote:An easy fix is still a fix
That means it can be cracked if its dumped.
by Torch
Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:24 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: audio mixing??
Replies: 7
Views: 7324

You have to manage with 8 channels.
by Torch
Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:38 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: PSP Decryption
Replies: 13
Views: 15618

Do you think they simply added the IPL block hash as an easy fix for the exploit or that they have fixed the exploit and added the hash as an extra security measure?
by Torch
Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:11 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: PSP Decryption
Replies: 13
Views: 15618

Because prior to Pandora we relied on the weak security of 1.50OFW to boot CFW which doesn't work on the Slim onwards. The Pandora IPL block was used only in 3.52M33-something onwards.
by Torch
Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:02 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: audio mixing??
Replies: 7
Views: 7324

No one mixes audio in real time games. That's why you need a sound card with lots of channels. Just play each on a different channel.
by Torch
Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:04 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Best way to send key presses/releases through socket
Replies: 7
Views: 12388

I completely disagree. How can you play games over ad-hoc Wifi then? TCP is a reliable protocol. You don't have to lose a single thing. Games send updates of the game state, not button presses. And much much less frequently than button sampling rate. There is no way you can play something like Tekk...
by Torch
Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:51 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Best way to send key presses/releases through socket
Replies: 7
Views: 12388

Application layer wifi is not suitable for sending keypresses in the first place. You will lose something.
by Torch
Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:41 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Loading a usermode PRX from a kernelmode PRX
Replies: 6
Views: 7659

Why the hell would anyone use newlib for a kernel module? Just compiling an empty module with it produces 84KiB of bloat.
by Torch
Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:20 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: [SOLVED] sceCtrlReadLatch() strange behavior
Replies: 8
Views: 13772

You should really only be using sceDisplayVblankStart() within your rendering loop when you're making a proper application. Its not required for sceCtrlReadBuffer* functions because they already delay internally to keep up with the sampling rate. There's no need for a separate loop for reading butto...
by Torch
Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:08 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: hello everyone, i have a problem on thread.
Replies: 4
Views: 5994

20000ms is a little high. You'll miss some button presses. Use sceDisplayWaitVblankStart().
by Torch
Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:01 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: [SOLVED] sceCtrlReadLatch() strange behavior
Replies: 8
Views: 13772

Add a sceDisplayWaitVblankStart() inside the loop. The syscon sends control packets at 60Hz anyway. Use this instead of latch. prevButtons = 0; while (1) { sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(&newButtons, 1) if ((prevButtons^newButtons) &...
by Torch
Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:20 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16698

I mean only have a kernel module and make it inject user mode code where required. What you're trying to do is much easier done with a PC like in XLink Kai. Having it entirely on the PSP seems pointless since you need to be within range of an access point and there is sure to be a laptop/PC with WiFi.
by Torch
Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:43 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16698

Don't think there's anything you can do, seeing that other devs use user modules for VSH hooks. You don't technically need a "module" if you can allocate space and put relocated code there.
by Torch
Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:06 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16698

If the function uses syscalls internally then I'm guessing it won't work.
by Torch
Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:26 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16698

What happens if you just get the function address and make an appropriate jump into it after disabling memory protection (So that it can return back to a kernel address, or does protection not apply when the source was a kernel address? I don't know.) If its a syscall, then the address of the functi...
by Torch
Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:45 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Hooking net modules
Replies: 7
Views: 8389

I have no idea. Post some code. Depending on what you're doing you might need to disable interrupts or something. Actually you should always disable interrupts to be 100% thread safe. Don't see why reading is a problem when you can just set a pointer to any address and read away.
by Torch
Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:24 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Hooking net modules
Replies: 7
Views: 8389

The syscall related functions from the M33 SDK are basically Tyranid's. You can get the source & headers from RemoteJoy and just statically link them into your modules.

And for the record I'm no expert in any of this.
by Torch
Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:19 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Putting my hw to sleep
Replies: 16
Views: 10724

That's massive. It could be hanging anywhere. Can't be bothered to look through everything.
by Torch
Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:44 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Putting my hw to sleep
Replies: 16
Views: 10724

Post the complete code.
by Torch
Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:52 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: bad battery help
Replies: 3
Views: 3675

All fake batteries are shit. Buy an original and use TM IPL to boot to NAND.
by Torch
Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:17 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: [S]problems with "sceKernelLoadModule"
Replies: 3
Views: 8627

Looks like you're compiling for 1.50 and not 3.xx.
by Torch
Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:56 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Module heap not cleared when stop and unload the module
Replies: 2
Views: 6033

Declare prototype

Code: Select all

int __psp_free_heap(void);
Call it in module_stop()