Thank you 89ron! you're da man89ron wrote:BtSix 1.5a
* Xbox 360 Gamepad Emulator (Beta) *added*
Sixaxis/DualShock 3, are now reconized like a Xbox 360 gamepad, for Xinput games.
Search found 23 matches
- Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:22 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:01 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
BTSix1.4a Is the only version working for DS3.figo1987 wrote:plz help me !! there's a problem with btsix and DS3....
DS3 users please just try this version. and others doesn't work for DS3
- Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:22 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:23 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
Hi! I need some help here! I've borrowed a sixaxis game pad from a frd and it worked on my pc! Did a few search on the net, and the majority of ppl says the dualshock 3 will also work. so ive bought the dual shock 3 BUT it doesnt work!!! :-( Im using the normal window xp sp2. can any1 help me? ive ...
- Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:07 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
BtSix 1.5 coming soon : For Gamers: - Rumble/Vibration mode. (Beta) For Dev/Students: - Share data with a Dll. This message is from june. I think it's just a question of time, keep in mind we're in summer, perhaps our coder has taken a break. By my side I think there is no reasson to worry abaut. W...
- Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:44 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
Re: Two DS3
Dear Phoenon, could you please tell me (step by step) how to get PPJOY1 & PPJOY2 working at the same time?? I cannot make it! I plugged both controllers in different usb ports but, once i pressed address button, joystick number one starts to rumble and i cannot see DS3 numer two!!! Could you pl...
- Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:01 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
Re: Game Controllers
Make sure in the Game Controllers Advanced menu Virtual Joystick 1 is the preferred device. Apart from that I am not sure why it would work for some games and not others I usually find it either works or not at all it wasn't....but it still does not fix the problem....but it's okay, i don't care th...
- Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:27 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
Drivers under Windows 64 must be signed by microsoft. Then is just not a question of coding the freebt. Even the driver works we need PPjoy x64. Perhaps you should talk with PPjoy Autor (Deon) There's nothing to do without that. This two things are needed for x64, and of course the port of 89ron's B...
- Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:26 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
4 Sixaxis??
Has anyone tried more than 2 SixAxis?? I just can make work 2...
Any other report?
thank you...
Any other report?
thank you...
- Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:59 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:36 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
phoenon. just wanted to say thanks. can i just throw out one more thing? i saw in the youtube video of the guy who got this to work and he was using it almost like a mouse to navigate the desktop and choose programs etc. All I can do it use it as a game pad within my emulator, etc. How do i make it...
- Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:09 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
here is an example of have disk installation on xp...keep in mind it's for a graphics card, but it's exactly what you have to do with your BT device.
good luck
good luck
- Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:07 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:06 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:07 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:36 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:16 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:21 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:40 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:21 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
Ok, I've got everything taken care of... - the Free BT driver is installed (without the MS driver trying to be installed), - 1.10.1 of the libusb driver is installed, - PPJOY is installed (with 4 controllers created), I start BtSix (I have 14a) and it shows a MAC address there and i click it and cl...
- Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:03 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
- Mon May 26, 2008 5:58 am
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
I have a DS3 using 1.4 and it works fine, but there is no force feedback yet. I don't have the vibration issue, but I believe that was fixed with 1.4 Cool, but BTSix 1.4 just works with one controller. Do you have tested the latest version? ( I think) But registering them as such is a bit c...
- Sun May 25, 2008 7:35 pm
- Forum: PS3 Development
- Topic: SIXAXIS under Windows
- Replies: 582
- Views: 970157
Hi all,i can't make 2 wireless controllers to work together(i have 3 wireless controllers)..i even tried with 2 bluetooth dongles giving each controller a different mac anybody able to use 2 controllers by bluetooth? Yes you can, you just need 1BT dongle... You should download the last ...