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by hokk
Thu May 22, 2008 5:03 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox, now with 100% less drama
Replies: 484
Views: 724949

A risk of a bit OT now. Civilization 1 running on: Macintosh: No good emulator SNES: Strange version don't like it ATARI: Impossible to find the game AMIGA: Good version but I haven't managed to make it run well yet It is just so frustrating because Dosbox has the potential to run the game and it do...
by hokk
Tue May 20, 2008 1:04 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox, now with 100% less drama
Replies: 484
Views: 724949

Thanks for the advice, I am converting Civ2 to PSX now gonna check it out soon. But there hasn't been an Civ1 release for PSX right? Would be neat to have Civ1 working with dosbox (saves a lot of space too, 10mb<->400mb).
by hokk
Mon May 19, 2008 6:01 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox, now with 100% less drama
Replies: 484
Views: 724949


Anyone here playing civilization 1 on their psp? I have PSP Slim and use the slim release of psp dosbox. The game runs perfectly for about 4mins then the psp freezes. Same thing everytime. Would be very happy if someone could solve this problem, I love the game and it would be awesome if it could wo...