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by fenrir911
Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:27 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

you have to put it in game150
hope this helped :)
by fenrir911
Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:46 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

did you get daggerfall in game?
by fenrir911
Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:09 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

use my arena.bat and go into your dosbox.conf make sure you have the soundblaster set to sb16
sbbase 220
irq 7
dma 1
hdma 5

@ vaporize make sure you set the memsize to ten, itll stop the lag
by fenrir911
Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:43 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

heres my arena.bat INPUTMAP up up INPUTMAP right right INPUTMAP down down INPUTMAP left left INPUTMAP triangle m INPUTMAP square lshift INPUTMAP cross j INPUTMAP circle a sysopt clock 333 @A -sa:220 -si:7 -sd:1 -ssbdig.adv try taking out the md's, that might be the problem never use inputmap exec, i...
by fenrir911
Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:05 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

hmmm... i really didnt get your questopn, if your asking if dosbox can write to an iso, no it cant. if your asking if dosbox can mount an iso, yes it can, you can do that and it should work cause i did that with daggerfall and it workd, but after picking your class it just gives me a black screen.. :(
by fenrir911
Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:30 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

you can't use the cd version, you have to use the floppy version, because the cd had to load more files than the psp can handle simultaneously, so just get the one from thier site, the first dungeon is pretty laggy, but once your out and into towns its like full speed :)
by fenrir911
Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:50 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724512

ultima 8

ultima8 requires the files to be set to 40 in DOS (thats the key word here) config.sys file, you cant img mount it trust me i tried, it requires that file which in dos was located id C:/windows/config.sys and it contained important stuff that loads at sstar... i dont know how you even managed to get...