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by narrus
Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:33 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

Dunno. I think that currently the Slim only supports user mode level homebrew (though I haven't looked into too hard in the last week or so). Not sure if DosBox needs kernel mode or not.

Easy way is to try it and see.
by narrus
Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:02 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

Which you will pass to me for spelling and punctuation checking wont you :-) i actually did a readme a while back but i have to find it Is it just me or does anyone else find it hilarious that the person asking to do the punctuation and spell checking doesn't use either properly? :) (not actually h...
by narrus
Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:17 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

Tested out Tyrian yesterday and got through the first level without much issue. It did slow a couple times while under heavy graphic loads. Probably will want to edit a batch for it so you can save as something other than <tab>. Also tested Raptor and it stated though I didn't actually try past the ...
by narrus
Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:30 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

I didn't realize the l and r triggers could be mapped. That'll make some games better for sure.
by narrus
Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:19 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

Someone more knowledgable can (and probably will :)) correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that the analog stick, L, and R buttons are currently unavailable for mapping as they are your mouse.
by narrus
Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:14 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

Now that I'm done traveling for awhile, I'm going to have to re test many of my games now. This is great! Wolfenstien is really the only game I fleshed out so far. Here's my batch file for any who are interested or if anyone has suggestions for improving it, I'm all ears: config -set "dos ems=o...
by narrus
Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:55 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: dosbox
Replies: 698
Views: 724529

Protected mode support is very touchy. There is a lot of stuff that doesn't (much stuff will never, i.e. win95, privateer) work right. Privateer was a great game. That's a sad thing to hear. Are the original WC and WC2 playable? I haven't tried them yet. Day of the Tentacle ran no problem, though I...